Walking the Gallows ✔️

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Here is the completed work of my thriller fiction book, Walking the Gallows. I hope you enjoy.

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He watched her walk off in a hurry back to wherever she had come from. He only stopped once she had turned the corner and was out of sight. Left in awe and wonderment, he turned the piece of card over to the other side where her name was written in perfect cursive.

After the war, Andy lived peacefully in his home with his brother, Vin, who spent more time drunk than he did sober or clean. He finds that the population of his town is turning against him. A young girl had gone missing soon after they arrived years ago and he notices that people are suspecting him of being responsible for it. Andy secludes himself to only knowing the company of his alcoholic brother, his faceless neighbor, Earl, and a woman he would undoubtedly become obsessed with. As more and more women reach a violent fate, Andy becomes more involved than he ever expected to.

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