ʙᴜᴄᴋ | ᴘʀᴇɢɴᴀɴᴛ ʟᴀᴅɪᴇs

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{In this. You are Buck's girlfriend, and who is also secretly pregnant with his unborn son :). Buck has absolutely no idea. Ellie is the only one who knows and wishes you the best of luck, and tells you, you should tell Buck.}

P.s your the same animal as Buck. Btw.

Key Words -
Y/n - your name
You and Ellie were sitting a fair distance away from the herd, discussing issues and just making conversations. You both were the only females here after all.
And both going through the same problem.
And both wanting to become close.
You and Ellie were both giggling in excitement.
All of the boys who were a fair distance away were confused. What were you guys talking about?. To make both of yous laugh so hard and kind of.. fangirl?.

"Hmm. I wonder what their talking about?." Sid asks in a confused tone.

Manny just nodded his head and watched his girlfriend/wife {idk if their married lmao, I'll search it up later.} Laugh hard about something. Manny never seen her so happy. Well he has. But. Since he got here, underground. She hasn't really been the same. Always has a funny feeling, really serious about getting Sid back. Thanks goodness he is. And well, cramps. Cramps can pull one heck of a mood out of a women.

"Yeah. I've never seen her act like this. Not once since we got here." Manny replies. Trying to hear what they are talking about.

Buck pops out of nowhere overhearing the conversation between Manny and Sid and stares at his girlfriend who was also in a very good mood, a mood, Buck hasn't seen her in, in ages.

"Ya know.. now that cha mention it.
I've never seen y/n so happy before." Buck says looking up at Manny in a surprised and questioning why. Before returning his gaze onto you.

"Guys calm down.
Their girls. What do you expect?." Diego chimes in. Buck looks over at the tiger in thought.

"It's only ever been just you and y/n, Buck. Y/n still might of felt lonely not having another girl around to talk to. Now that Ellie is here, y/n can tell her about her girl problems and things." Diego added laying down on a huge rock.

"Yeah, Diego's right. Ellie might have the same problem."

"Ya right, ya right." Buck says grinning like he always did.

----- {to you and Ellie}

"Hahah. Ah. His face was so priceless." Ellie said wiping a tear away with her trunk. She was telling you the time where she first told Manny she was pregnant. She remembers his shocked and scared and excited face, which made you laugh.

"Haha." You giggle letting out a satisfied sign.

"How about you? What was Bucks first reaction?." Ellie asks smiling widely at you. You gasped in surprise and looked at Ellie with wide eyes before calming down and smiled nervously.

You give Ellie a closed eyed smile and say.

"I.. uh. I haven't told him yet." You said sheepishly.

"What!?. Girl. You have to tell Buck." Ellie says looking at you in shock.

"You've been pregnant for 3 months. And he still has no idea?." Ellie asked confused.

"Well yea.. I'm a skinny girl Ellie. And for some reason my baby bump. Doesn't really show. I don't know why, and because of that Buck has never asked. How is he supposed to find out himself if I don't have a baby bump?." You say raising a brow at her then looking down trying your best not to touch your stomach.

You knew the boys were looking every once in awhile. So you didn't want Buck to look over and make him ask why you are stroking your belly.

"Oh gosh y/n. It's.. it'll be okay." Ellie says.

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