ʙᴜᴄᴋ | ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ

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{Ur a weasel too and girlfriend to buck}
You and your new friends were laughing and making conversation until yous all had to part ways, you didn't want them to leave and they didn't want you or Buck to leave either. Sid was kinda new to the both of you and gladly made conversation and opened up. Which was nice and cool. But again, they still had to leave.

"Haha, ya know. We should make this a regular thing." Buck said chuckling walking infront of an entrance of a cave. But what's hiding inside was yet to be discovered.

"Ahh, I.. don't think so." Manny replies smiling slightly.

"Right, your right. Well, me and y/n both stop here." Buck said smiling widely with his arms opened. You jumped off of Ellie's trunk and walked over to Buck, standing beside him smiling happily.

"I'm gonna miss you y/n." You heard Diego say.

"Us too!." Crash and Eddie say in unison.

"I'll miss you girl." Ellie said going to give you a hug before her daughter did the same. Manny smiled at you knowingly and thanked you. Buck watches in awe and wonder before giving everyone a wave goodbye.

"I'll miss you more." You say softly hugging her trunk. Manny adverts his eyes away from you and Ellie to Buck who was already staring at him.

"Um. We, couldn't have done it without you Buck." Manny thanks.

"Well obviously." Buck teases rolling his eyes playfully, still grinning like an idiot. You laugh and return to Bucks side.

"But, good times are just the sa-." Buck cuts off his own sentence freezing up. As wind brushes past him, indicating that someone was behind him. You felt the breeze too, making shivers go down your spine.

Everyone looks at Buck confused and worried before hearing him whisper to himself.

"We're not alone are we?."

Glowing red eyes appeared behind the both of you making everyone gasp in surprise and shock. Buck was quick to react turning around and in the process pushing you gently towards Manny and Ellie for protection.

As soon as Buck laid eyes on the dinosaurs eyes, he immediately knew who it was, and exactly who those eyes belonged too.

"Hello Rudy~." Buck smirks waving his tooth knife. {I like to call it that, his tooth knife. Or sword. Lmao}

Your eyes go wide in shock, "Rudy?." You think.

You've never seen him before, never. Buck always sees him and always tells you that he never wants you to cross paths with Rudy. Buck doesn't want anything bad to happen to you, as careless and free Buck is and how reckless he can also be. He doesn't want you getting hurt by the one dinosaur he likes to have fun with. He loves you more then anything, more then Rudy surprisingly. Buck would be so upset if absolutely anything happened to you.

All of a sudden the big albino dinosaur comes out of the small cave breaking it in the process and large rocks began falling from the sky, landing down hard on the ground below.

Rudy gave out a rough bloody roar scaring the mammals.

"RUN." Buck yells and he runs off in a different direction before anyone does, you quickly jump onto Manny's trunk seeing that he is closer, Manny looks at you and nodded. After the dinosaur chased after Buck he suddenly found the other mammals more interesting... Especially you. And started chasing yous instead.

The whole herd came to a stop at the end of a cliff, making them look back and forth between the two options they had. Jump off the cliff or die by Rudy. No one knew where Buck was. Which scared them more. Especially you. He was your boyfriend after all and him disappearing for a bit while Rudy is around is unlike him. Maybe he has a plan? Most likely.

ɪᴄᴇ ᴀɢᴇ - ʙᴜᴄᴋ ʙᴏʏғʀɪᴇɴᴅ sᴄᴇɴᴀʀɪᴏs/ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon