Chapter 1

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Birds chirped from within the trees, the clouds were a blanket to the sky, and the leaves were gently being carried around the town. Breathing in the cool air gave my spirit some peace, before the big test that was today.
The high school was only a five minute walk from where I lived, and so me and my brother went walked together, well sort of. Ash was up ahead of me with one of his friends, they chatted and gossiped away.

I walked alone essentially, the only friend who lived somewhat close to me was one of my good friends Angela. She was rude but caring, she just expressed her love differently, which can be adorable at times.
After some daydreaming of Angela and my other friends, the school was suddenly in front of me. The painted art piece of sports above the doors always brought some dread, a nostalgic dread that kept my face in it's the usual frown. I swung the heavy door open taking few paces inside, it was lively. The gym side of the school was usually more quiet give or take but today there was what I could only assume the freshman kids going wild over something.

They were in a circle all huddled over whatever was in the middle, and being the 6'3" tall guy, I sneaked over to see what was happening. In between there was two younger kids, they looked like they were in grade seven or eight, meaning they were just here for their easy cooking class. Just for a cooking class they shouldn't be fighting in the high school, yet here they are punching and crying. The crowd cheered, which caused me to exhaustedly sigh, but grabbing the two boys, I pulled them apart.
Some complaints from the crowd but they didn't bother me, what did bother me was now both the boys started to try fight me.

"This doesn't include you asshole!" The blonde haired short boy screeched at me, his voice wasn't even touched by puberty yet. Their strikes were weak, after all, my body had some fat but underneath it there was a decent amount of muscle.
"Let go of me you freak!" The brunette hair boy yelled as he flailed around, attempting to free himself. Sighing and grabbing onto both of their arms, I started to drag them to the office.
"Of course he's the one to act all good n shit," a whisper among the crowd sparked the anxiety that started to creep on me.

"Don't let him hear you, he probably has an ak-47 in his backpack," another whisper from within the crowd. Ignoring them would be the easiest, especially with two twelve or thirteen year olds in both hands.
"Where are you taking us anyway?" The brunette asked accepting his fate. The blonde was still attempting to free himself with light kicks to my shins and hitting of my arm.
"The office," the statement was blunt, bland, but I didn't want to bother myself with talking to children.

The secretary had a shocked look plastered on her face, a grunt escaped my throat as I tossed both the kids onto the couch.
"Errm.. hey what are you doing?" Her quiet and calming voice gently asked.
"These kids were fighting, you can check it on the security cameras if you want," a simple shrug after that was my answer to her before leaving the office entirely.
Walking towards the forum left my mind a mess, anxiety and questioning why I even stopped the fight stirring rapidly.

The walk ended as in the forum there was my best friend.
"Ambrose! Get over here!" Garrison's deep voice commanded me. Sighing I obliged and walk over rather slowly to him, his brown eyes and curly short hair always caught the ladies attention.
"What do you want this early in the morning Garrison?" My gruff voice questioned him, but his grin widened which jolted a fear within me.
"It's time my friend," he wrapped his arm around my shoulders, "let's go on a mother fuckin' adventure!"
"Please god no-" he interrupted me with his loud yelling.
"YOU DON'T HAVE AN OPTION TODAY AMBROSE SO LETS GO!" I was soon dragged away afterwards to god knows where.

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