Chapter 2

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"I told you so!" Garrison yelled at me, excitement oozing from him, especially from his wide smile.
"I mean if you said we were going to skip our VERY important test for some breakfast at my favourite restaurant," pausing to shove some more bacon into my mouth, I slightly smiled while chewing, "I wouldn't of been so scared of your 'mother fuckin adventure', Garrison."
"Whatever man," he pouted but was quick to finish his eggs and toast off. My slight smile turned into a soft one as the last of my orange juice was greedily gulped down.

The waitress walked by and with that Garrison waved at her for the bill. Only a minute blew by and she had returned. Just like that Garrison placed a five dollar bill on the table and got up to go pay for both our meals. Following him, only then noticing how very few people were here, but they all had one thing in common, their smiles.
"Thank you for coming sir!" The waitress glowed with happiness, and with it Garrison returned a simple smile. "And here," her flushed face grabbed my curiosity as she slipped the receipt to him.

Garrison grabbed it and awkwardly smiled when looking at whatever was written on the receipt.
"Am sorry ma'am but I am taken," Garrison's awkwardly laughed and smiled.
"Am so sorry sir! Please forgive me, I should of assumed someone so handsome and charming to already have a lucky lady," she smiled after, but her eyes showed a different response. My eyes narrowed at her true emotions of envy and rage.

     "Actually it's a lucky guy and not lady," me chirping in brought a twist of emotions in her face.
     "Wait... you're both gay???" Her shock was clear but thoughts now were unclear. "You need a woman, just look at how handsome you are," she whispered at Garrison while glaring at me. A smirk came across our face almost simultaneously.
     "Nope, all I need is my man here," he rather clearly stated to her now red face.
     "Oh come on Garry werey, you know I get horny when you get all big and comando on someone," making my voice the stereotypical gay man voice was easy after years of practice, but I buttered it up even more with my hand rubbing Garrison's chest. The absolute disgust on her face was worth everything, but before she or anyone else could say anything, we sprinted out of the restaurant.

     Our laughter filled the air between us, and we wrapped our arms around each other's neck.
     "I cant believe we did that there oh my actually god," I held my hand over my mouth and wheezed out the rest of the air in my lungs.
      "Thats how we deal with fuckers like that, my homie," he wiped a tear out of his eye from laughing after talking. Us acting gay with each other was an excellent way to deal with homophobic individuals we happen to run into and we did it for quite a handful of years now.

     "I love you man, no homo though," I said with a smile and ruffling with his curly hair.
     "I love you too man no homo of course," his response filled me with joy.
     "Man fucking Risa would get jealous us seeing how close our friendship is homie," he chuckled in response to me.
     "She would be, she loves me a lot bro," his warm voice told only the truth when it was about Risa. After nodding at him, we begun to walk back to the school for the remainder of the day. It was likely Garrison might get yelled at from his father, but I cant remember the last time my parents cared for me or what I do.

Suddenly a sadness squeezed my chest, but a smile remained from me. Looking up I begun to admire the clouds and the absolute beauty they held with the sun; a beautiful display warmed my chest and strengthen my smile. sadly nothing ever lasts, and my happiness has strict limits.
"Oh look who it is, a clown and school shooter," that voice belonged only to one certain asshole.
"Go fuck yourself Ross," a growl slipped from my throat after my words.
"Oh don't worry my girly does it for me enough unlike your poor excuse for a limp dick," Ross snorted but his grin grew when Garrison glared at him, ready for war.

"Lets not waste our energy for someone like it Garrison," I gripped his shoulder and squeezed to try calm him. He glanced at me and sighed in agreement.
"Oh please at least I have every university wanting me and I will be graduating unlike you idiotic pieces of garbage," Ross snorted after and laughed rather loudly and obnoxiously. Rolling our eyes, we walked away not even giving him a glance. The distant shouting satisfied us greatly, and we continued our way to one of Garrison's classes.

"Hey you, yeah Ambrose come here," the familiar voice annoyed me, and so here we fucking go again with it. Turning around I saw her silver hair and blue eyes, it was no one else but principle Lee. Looks like am in trouble for something once again.

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