Chapter 4

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A/N: Okay, so I haven't proof read this yet and there are some that need fixing. But I hope it's okay with you guys.



"Yes, I would like to deliver the shipment to the given address. ...How long? ...I see. No, no, it's no problem at all. As long as the vehicles and general items arrive unharmed. ...Thank you."

I ended the call and closed my phone as I finished. I have to wait for my motorbike and pickup to arrive in several more days. A little longer if there were any inconveniences.

It's been two months since the school festival fiasco. After Yugi's classmates pulled an all-nigther they managed to fix their booth right in the nick of time. It was amusing to see Jounouchi being Bluebeard.

I sighed as I dressed a little more presentable. They were not semi-formal but it'll have to do. It was almost lunch break and my dear cousin didn't have the chance to eat breakfast nor pack his lunch because he woke up late. Merely grabbing a piece of toast with marmalade before running out the door.

I sighed. I swear, that boy...

So, making my way towards the to grab the packed lunch I've already prepared before, making sure to leave some food from Grandpa, too, I made my way out the door after checking my laptop in my bag before bidding grandpa goodbye.

I forewarned Yugi earlier to meet me at the schools rooftop.



"An Egyptian exhibit?" My friends echoed in unison once I showed them the article on the paper.

"Yup! It's opening tomorrow at Domino City museum!" I ecstatically replied.

"The college professor who discovered the Pharaoh's tomb is grandpa's friend, Professor Yoshimori. He invited us so we can get in for free!" I added as my friends were excited. Except for Jou, who paled when Honda mentioned that they found a mummy. I had to roll my eyes, of course they found a mummy in the tomb.

"Egypt is such a mystical place. That's where your Puzzle's from, isn't it?" Anzu inquired when she mentioned my Millennium Puzzle.

I cradled said item in my hands with a smile. "Yup! My good ol' Millennium Puzzle!"

"Hey, now that I think about it. Doesn't your cousin have the same thing? That gold pendant she has has the same eye symbol as your Puzzle." Anzu perked up when she mentioned this.

I nodded. "That's right. But my cousin has had that necklace long before I even found the Puzzle."

"Hey, didn't your grandpa say that the archaeologists who found it all died mysterious deaths..." Anzu made a scary face as she spoke those words. Which didn't make Jou feel any better.

"No way! Yugi! Are you alright?! You aren't cursed are you?!" Jounouchi practically screamed in my face as Anzu laughed, successfully in scarring the blonde.

"I am not cursed!" I reassured him as he kept shaking.

But still... Ever since I completed the Puzzle, there's been times when I loose my memories. I'd better not tell anyone. They'll thinks it's creepy.

"Hey, tomorrow's Sunday. Let's all meet at the Museum at one o clock!" Anzu declared, and frankly it's a good idea. So with a unanimous decision, we all agreed to meet tomorrow.



"Adjusting the lines design placement, it should be more aerodynamic, but... I can't keep continuing on making it streamline with repercussions..."

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