My house

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           ~Rotarran's POV~ 

So we're going to my house and I say it will be fine. They still say that they don't feel safe... What is it with these guys? Are they that scared of me or is the suicide souls? We get to put house and I notice... there is a sad movie on... a week ago my girlfriend, Sayori, had moved in and she has depression like heck I rushed upstairs and, she may not have a suicide soul but the effects of her watching a sad movie is like a suicide soul effect.
"Sayori?" I yelled.
No answer. I yelled again.
No answer. I reach her room and knock. No sound can be heard. I gently open the door fearing the worst...
"Sayo--" I took a huge sigh. She was alive... swear to Satin... I went up to her bed and woke her up.
Sayori- "Oh hi Rotarran how are you...?"
I hugged her the hardest I ever had
"I thought you killed yourself! But your alive! I'm so happy! Come down I have some friends I'd like you to meet. I think you'd like this. I mean it, they have suicide souls l. Something you've always wanted to see somebody with and there are three--"
Sayori- "Lets go!"
Our house was rather techy so we had a few buttons in bed so Sayori pressed one and the ground opened up and a pole could be seen. We both slid down it. I had quite a bit of money...

We met the trio, gobsmacked but confused about what just happened. We were sliding and Sayori  happened to burn her hands and hit her nose so yeah. She was rather hurt. I had prepared some bandages for Odne but my girlfriend was bleeding from her nose and of course it was a metal pole. I wrapped the bandages around her nose so the bleeding would stop and like magic it worked!

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