The first to go...

15 1 1

We were at school. Me, Sayori, Pepelone, Odne and even Fyshi came!
The day went as quick as they go and it was club time! We were in the literature club which I think should be called the lit club. You'll see why... We got to the club and there was a champagne bottle on the table with some really gross beans next to them.
??? - Go on ba-- Yuri! You da gurl!"
Yuri - " Thank you Natsuki but I think it's better if you don't shout...:
The shy, tall, purple haired girl called Yuri had brought in the illegal substance... But then again... I sorta wanted some...

Sayori- "Yuri... what the frick!?"
It was rare to hear Sayori curse or even use a fake curse but she is vice president of the club... Sometimes I wonder how she isn't leader. I'm not just saying this because shes my girlfriend but she would make a great clu--
*Finger click X4* It was Odne
Odne- "What are you doing?"
"Nothing, why?"
"Don't look like nothing..."
"Well it is...not"
"Knew it... what are you thinking about, hmm....?"
"My girlfriend... duh!"
"More please... what about her?"
...Oh god Odne is an idiot sometimes...
"I was just asking myself how she isn't president yet"
"Only because shes your girlfriend!"
"No it's not because she's my girlfriend. Sometimes your such an idiotic little shit--"
I shouldn't of said that. I was mentally punching, kicking and smacking myself at the same time... Even Odne went silent... although silent he still swung some punches. Sayori rushed in to stop us fighting and we did. As I was trying to think earlier How is she not the leader of the club? But then the leader DID step in...
The small, pink-haired girl called Natsuki pretended not to be drunk as heck
"Where's Odne? Did I hurt him? I'lbegoneforasecond" (I'l be gone for a second)
Shit shit shit! Where is Odne? I fucking swear of that loonatic killed himself I will sleep till I'm 40.... wait what?
I reach the door and bust it open...

O- "Yeah like way too soon fuckface.

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