Blow Up In Our Faces: 11/10/14

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7:47pm Monday, November 10

Today was such bullshit. It's hard to write. I just haven't been able to cohesively gather my thoughts lately. I think November is a scramble-y month.

I told my mom last night all about how I've been sending nudes with Kota for a month or so. She was... less than accepting. Her reaction was a cross between my-baby-girl-is-gone and I want to kill him and then kill her. But, I had to explain, it wasn't all his fault. I liked sending nudes, and I felt zero regret. Also, we had flirted around with the idea of sex, but it wasn't anything official or even realistic. My mom pretty much hates him now (maybe), but you know what? I don't care. I know he lies, he's bad, he's ridiculous, but for some reason I still have interest. And he does too as far as I can tell. The reasons we aren't on the road to deviginizeville is because 1. I'm a VIRGIN. 2. Dakota doesn't want a relationship. 3. I think he is lying about not being a virgin by the way he talks about sex.

Friends with benefits and virgins go together like orange juice and toothpaste, so I told him I didn't think I could give it up like that for free. Not unless we are dating, I'm positive he's not cheating, and actually like/"loves" me.

Next order of business...
I got a sick feeling as I walked out the door after first period art. Like something bad was about to happen, but I couldn't quite place it.

Fifteen minutes later Hayley confessed to handing out brownies on the bus. A bitch freshman, pot-head girl named Corneisha told on her, so Hayley is a bad liar and had to confess to her pot-brownie sins. We don't know why a pot-head would rat on their dealer. Corneisha even had the balls to lie to Scarlet and say she didn't tell on Hayley. Wow.

Luckily, Hayley didn't mention how she was selling them on school premises. She also didn't mention Scarlet or I at all, because earlier that day I reminded her: If you can't hold it in, and you really need to confess, all I ask is don't bring anyone down with you. You can sink your ship, but leave the rest dry. Don't mention me. Don't mention Scarlet. Please. Also, say you were peer-pressured. Adults eat that up so quick.

I am so happy she held back enough to keep us out of it.
As a result of her semi-truthful confession (what an oxymoron) she is suspended from Kasha Falls High for ten days. Starting today. She'll be back the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. It's going to be such a bitch without her around. Scarlet is kind of unreliable and unpredictable (sometimes just runs off for no reason), but Hayley is always there like a homie, right by my side.

What a cluster-fuck, and I cannot tell my mom, because she would hate Hayley forever if she knew what Hayley did. I told my mom foster-child Shyann gave me the brownie to cover Hayley's ass.

Hayley came out of the principal's office in tears, and that's the last time I've heard from her since.

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