Woah There: 12/19/14

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6:52am Friday, December 19

I woke up with the most painful calf cramp ever. It was like a Charlie horse but in my leg. Jeez. The agony! The suffering!

I'm ready for the last day before break. Reading some smut before school!

I'm starting to really want sex. Here's why:
Rob was... messing around with me in textiles. Hayley, Al, Dale, Rob, and I were all sitting around a table, doing nothing but talk and snapchat each other embarrassing photos. Rob was being a spaz and starts playing with my hair, rubbing my back rubbing down my sides and creeping his hands near the hem of my dress. Maybe if I had some brain power I would've said stop, but I didn't. I loved it. Being touched by a sexy guy gave me this crazy spark. I didn't want him to end there. I was sexualized. Interested. I wanted him to just shove his hands inside my bra. I couldn't even resist enjoying it. My friends were shocked, and Olive got pissy slapping him and saying stop or whatever. I told her to piss off. Hayley was laughing, we were all laughing. He placed my hands on his chest, oh my god. I was so damn wet. Then he kinda played with my hair for a while before the bell rang, and he drifted off. I floated out the door with Olive and Hayley. All I could think was, 'I legitimately want sex. I want it. Badly.' I've never really felt like actually doing it with an actual person, and I know Rob is a total flirt, but I would've let him screw me in the bathroom if the offer arose.

What a fun day. Our group of friends spent like two hours talking about sex and masturbation and porn after lunch. I feel like I know these people too well right now... Oh my godddddd

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