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Nov 19, 2019

Completed for now, but not really. This was for my creative writing project, so less effort then I'm usually willing to put in was shoved into this project. It's now going to be under major renovation. The ending will probably change, because even I fucking hate it. That was just for the project and some bonus points for an unusual ending.

The length was short as hell because the rubric called for 5 pages and I overscoped that by hell. Thanks for reading this mess though, and updates and revision for the better will be coming soon. :)

September 11, 2020

I love how I said soon, yet this thing sat in the drawer for just under a year. Some things changed, big and small.  I hope as well it was my writing style, but I also don't think that is true. For once in my life I made the head decision to not kill my own character off. There was a lot of things wrong with the first draft, I fucked up dates, details, didn't flesh out the characters enough, killed one off at the end! Red Sand was a big mess but over the year I made a lot of changes that I'm actually kind of happy about. Writing this story got me through a tough time in my life, my vent fic almost and while I do want to work on it some more, I'm satisfied where it's at now. So here's to another year. 

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