-Chapter XIII- -Knights of the New World-

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While Faelyn and Ariel were camping at night, a sound was heard among the trees. While keeping their swords ready, Vaermina and Hellfire emerged from the trees. Faelyn was surprised and happy as soon as he saw this girl. He met Hellfire and introduced Ariel to them. They spent the night telling each other about their adventures. When it came to Hellfire he paused a bit. "My na... My name was Edmond. This firepower is a curse that has haunted me since I was a kid. After learning that I was able to control the fire, the villagers burned my family alive with the nickname 'witches'. I began to isolate myself and swore not to use that power. I married at the age of twenty-nine and had a child. One night this power went out in a way I couldn't control. And I burned down my house unintentionally. My wife died in that fire, and so did my daughter... Since then, I've been killing bad people. Because this power needs to be nurtured. This is my life story..." There was a great silence around. Suddenly Faelyn stood up. As he turned around the campfire, he pulled out his sword. Everyone was bewildered.

"You don't have to worry, Edmond, or Hellfire. We we'll be your new family. I, Faelyn, heir to Easerin, have a request from you. I want you to help me in this war against my brother. The enemy may be very powerful, but I have you. I see you as my family. Maybe even though we've just met, I consider you my brother, Edmond! I'm forming a brotherhood, as our ancestors did before. From now on, we will protect Easerin! Before, a close friend told me. 'Easerin has no king. Easerin needs no king.' Even if those words affected me so much at first, they were true. Easerin doesn't need a king! We are the vigilantes of Easerin! We... We Are the Knights Of The New World!" Vaermina stood up. She grabbed Faelyn's hand and then raised her sword. "The Knights of the New World!"Ariel stood up and yelled. "The Knights of the New World!" Hellfire, he paused a little. The sulking on his face disappeared and he started smiling. He created a fire with his hand and raised to the sky. "We are the Knights, of the New World!"

That night, Hellfire found himself a new family.

Faelyn was born to be king. But he refused this assignment. There were maybe four people, but they swore to protect the East. They trained each other to fight for days. They were ready now. Faelyn was going to face his brother. A big war...begun. With Hellfire's power, they found Alwis and the others. They set out to fight them.

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