-Chapter XVI- -Cursed Twins of Fate-

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The ancient ones were now over and they were not an obstacle. Alwis was applauding the New World Knights. When Hellfire stepped towards Alwis, Faelyn had told him to stop. "I should be the one doing this." When Hellfire heard this, he approved with his head and retreated. Vaermina put her hand on Faelyn's shoulder and began to speak shamefully. "I love you." Faelyn stroked Vaermina's hand. Arielle was smiling because Faelyn was her best friend to date... Her only friend. Faelyn began to step towards his brother. He had a terrible feeling. The way he walked was more loss and grief than victory. Xelrath wasn't answering Faelyn. Alwis was waiting with Dralagth for his enemy and was eager to kill him. Faelyn didn't come all this way to lose, to die. he looked to his friends and held his sword firmly. All his comrades were passing before his eyes. Aurea, Dregrion, Vaermina and many others, especially his father. The story of a great prince was close to ending. But the birth of a hero was just beginning. As Faelyn stood, Xelrath appeared next to him with a human silhouette. There was a great deal of unrest covering both of them. When confronted by Alwis and Dralgath, they frowned upon each other. They ran at each other with great speed, just like they did when they were kids. But not for a hug each other, to kill each other....

Alwis drew his sword because he could not use the bow. The two brothers were fighting, not shoulder to shoulder, but face to face.

When he struck Faelyn with his sword, Faelyn blocked the attack with his sword in his right hand and tried to remove the dagger in his belt with his left hand and stab Alwis. But Dralgath wouldn't allow it. He grabbed Faelyn's arm and raised his fist in the air. Suddenly Xelrath grabbed his brother and threw him to the ground. Faelyn began to attack and swung his sword from side to side. Alwis was preventing all these attacks. The silhouette of Dralgath grew to the size of a giant and reached its height in the sky. He could have crushed Faelyn with a single blow. Xelrath transformed into dragon form to stop his brother and tried to knock the giant to the ground. Faelyn found a gap in Alwis and took a small sword blow to his brother's shoulder. Alwis could have endured more and more of this pain, so he kept quiet.

They fought for hours. Their swords was broken but they was still fighthing. As they retreated to their corners to rest, Dralgath began to speak in his disgusting and cunning voice. "Xelrath, my dear brother. Let's stop fighting. *He Laughs* I see you've grown quite strong. How would you rather destroy the world together than destroy each other?" And Dralgath extended his hand to his brother. His wily smile was disgusting. Xelrath looked Faelyn first and then he looked his brother. He held his brother's hand while he seemed to be very ambivalent. Faelyn stopped him from leaving. "Wait! I am your master! You're nothing without me!" Hearing these senseless sentences of Faelyn, Xelrath put his hand on Faelyn's shoulder. "You're just a vessel." Faelyn began to sentence in astonishment. "Wait! Where are you g..?" Faelyn felt a great pain in his heart before he could complete his sentence. It was the same pain that his first enemy, Zell, felt when he killed him. It was a great betrayal. Dralgath looked at Alwis. Then he left him. Alwis's life ended too. The story of fate's cursed twins was over. Xelrath and his brother Dralgath joined forces and set out to destroy the world. The New World Knights tried to resist. But they were no match for Devil. The power against them was too much. All hope had faded... At that time, the brothers said a single sentence. "I 'm not given up yet!"

Faelyn and Alwis opened their eyes at Chamber of Dreams. The brothers in separate cells were looking at each other. They had both tasted death twice. They've both been here before. But why? Weren't Xelrath and Dralgath running this place? Why did they go there when they died? Why couldn't they find peace? When he was thinking about these questions, a white light appeared right in the middle. This eye-catching white light was destroying all darkness. He began to speak in a strange and pulsating voice. "You... You two! Look at the chaos you've created! You're just two arrogant, vengeful beings! But I'm giving you a chance to fix it. I'm! The Great Uvlo! The one who brings light to the darkness! I didn't light the first flame for you to put it out!" Faelyn and Alwis were very surprised to hear these words. It was their grandfather who lit the first fire. Even if Faelyn didn't understand anything, he noticed one thing. It was his grandfather Neldor! The white light called Uvlo was Neldor's himself! But how did it come to this? Before he could ask any questions, the light started talking again. "Go and destroy what you have created!"A box appeared in front of his cells. This box, made of wood, had a golden lock. Faelyn and Alwis opened their eyes one last time. When Xelrath and Dralgath saw the twins, they started running towards them. Before Faelyn and Alwis knew what was going on, the box moved and trapped these four souls inside. The last word heard was Vaermina's "Faelyn! Wait!" sentence.

Thus Faelyn and Alwis were cursed to fight Xelrath and Dralgath for a lifetime. They're trapped in those wooden boxes. The Neldor or the light called Uvlo, swore to not lift the curse from them. The Knights of the New World merged with The Order of the Secret Dawn to form a new world order and swore an oath to protect the world. A world without a king, without a prince, a world that everyone has equal. Vaermina, Hellfire and Ariel never forgot Faelyn. Dregrion has told this story to New Warriors over the years. Over time, this story became a legend. The tale of two cursed Twins, The Legend. The first flame that was re-lit was never extinguished. And Easerin's peace was never broken again...

-The END-

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