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Name: Blythe

Age: 14

Grade: 9th

Gender: Female

Appearance: She has blonde-brown hair with short bangs. She often wears them in two short, side braids. Her eyes are a bright hazel and naturally long eyelashes. She's about 5 feet 4 inches. She wears anything she feels like wearing from cute girly outfits to baggy sporty outfits.

 She wears anything she feels like wearing from cute girly outfits to baggy sporty outfits

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Celebrity Face claim: Chloe Grace Moretz

Personality: She may be the one of the most positive people in the world and is certainly the most positive person in school

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Personality: She may be the one of the most positive people in the world and is certainly the most positive person in school. She doesn't let school drama or people get to her personality. She believes that if someone is doing something wrong or treating people bad, karma will eventually hit them. In school, she always has a smile. Her attitude may make her seem naive to the world's problems, but she is perfectly aware of them. She has hope that the world can become a better place if people work towards it. Other than that, she focuses on taking care of herself and helping others when she can. She also cares deeply for her girlfriend and doesn't care what others think of her relationship. She knows people like her brother don't approve, but hopes he will eventually realize this is who she is. Of course, she is human and isn't perfectly postive. Yet, no-one ever sees that side of her.

Strengths: - Her postive attitude allows her to not be negatively affected by what people say or do
  - She doesn't become very stressed. This helps her be the calm figure in any stressful situation

Weaknesses: - People may be against her because of how she is
  - There is a negative in being so positive as she won't know how to deal with negative emotions or feelings if anything ever causes her to feel that way

Likes: people being happy

Dislikes: people disproving of her, negativity

Any mental illnesses/ disorders: None that are know

Family: Her older brother and parents

Backstory: She has felt different than other kids since she was little and knew she liked girls. Also, as she got older, she noticed how negative everyone was. She began dating her girlfriend in 7th grade and she never kept it a secret from her family. Her parents allowed it but weren't too fond of the idea. They needed to become more comfortable and supportive with the idea, but they may still think it's just a phase. Although, her brother still doesn't show any comfort in the idea. None of that affected her. (Backstory specific to one roleplay-can change for different rp)

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