note | what comes after

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If you made it to the end of this rollercoaster ride, I would like to say kamsahamnithanks for tolerating the late updates and for not quickly losing interest in this mess of a storyline (sometimes I don't even know what I'm writing but I hope it all made sense somehow)

The ending was somewhat predictable, but I was going for that. The world, ending, so unexpectedly, unbelievably fast.

Whether it may be that job or study course you've always wanted but your parents said could never benefit you, that expensive shirt you've fallen for that you know isn't necessary but you can't stop thinking about it, that place you've always wanted to go to that you've never had any time to go to, that one friend you never made up with after a terrible fight, that crush whom you couldn't approach because you were scared they would reject you.

Go for it. While you still have time.

Because time doesn't stop, and it doesn't wait until you're ready. It just keeps going and going and going and what we must do is to chase it.

I posted the final chapter on the 31st, a day right before the start of a new decade (2020 is such a pretty number and that's honestly the only thing I'm excited about) and I hope you can kick start your new year feeling fresh and happy.

Never let go of the chances that come by, because you will never know if it will pass you again. Sometimes they don't, and it's much better to live without the regret.

Just like Taehyung and Soojin, keep running, keep hoping, keep wishing.

Keep striving to be happy.

A new world is waiting for you. Seize it.

Signed with love,

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