Cherry Soda 🍒

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Jotaro woke up, he had forgotten what had happened all of last night. Jotaro tapped Kakyoin on the shoulder, "Go back to sleep" Kakyoin rolled over turning away from Jotaro.
Jotaro slipped silently out of the bed and into the bathroom to have a shower, he turned on the tap and waited for the water to gradually get warmer. When it did he took off the rest of his clothes and stepped in.

"Jotaro?" Kakyoin woke up he looked around, "Must be in the shower" Kakyoin listened for the water and sure enough he heard it. Sitting up he waited for Jotaro to be done, grabbing the box of cherries from the bedside table he started to eat them, one by one slowly. As the water stopped Kakyoin jumped up grabbing his clothes for the day ahead, Jotaro stepped out of the bathroom "Don't take too long we gotta go soon" Jotaro muttered " I won't" Kakyoin said as he stepped into the bathroom.

Minutes later the water stopped and Kakyoin came out wearing his clothes for the day. Jotaro had already packed both their bags for the day and was sitting on the bed haphazardly, like something bad was going to happen and he could jump up easily to stop it. "I'm going to go wait in the lobby for you" Jotaro declared " ok, I'll be down in a second" Kakyoin said as Jotaro left the room. Kakyoin put the box of cherries into his bag and grabbed his and Jotaro's bags and headed out the door, locking it behind him.

Present time

They were still walking and Kakyoin was beginning to get tired, "oh come on Kakyoin we are nearly there, you can see it from here" Jotaro pointed out. "Oh" Kakyoin muttered.

They walked inside and payed for their entrance, walking over to the change rooms.
Kakyoin was the first one done he walked out in cherry swimming shorts, soon after Jotaro walked out too, in dolphin swimming shorts that is, they walked out of the change rooms.
The others weren't hard to find, they still wore some of their normal clothing pieces. As they walked over Kakyoin held Jotaro's hand, Jotaro looked down at the other male and blushed trying to keep his composure around him was hard.
"So you guys finally made it, took you long enough" Polnareff complained " Look past that Polnareff and look down" Avdol said gaining the attention of Joseph " What? it's just the god damn floor Avdol" Polnareff stated " No at their hands" he pointed out "what their just holding hands" Polnareff realised " Wait their holding hands!?" Polnareff almost shouted. Reflexively Jotaro and Kakyoin side stepped away from each other and turned their red faces away from the group. "About time!" Joseph Patted Jotaro on the shoulder, " it was quite obvious" Avdol said to Kakyoin, surprised  both the males turned to each other and laughed. " Wait a minute how are they supposed to fuck?" Polnareff said in the background " Oh be quiet you're embarrassing them" Avdol turned to Polnareff who was genuinely confused. "Anyway there's practically no one else here" Polnareff pointed out. Jotaro, Kakyoin and Polnareff all headed to the outside pool and Joseph and Avdol headed to the bar.
They walked over to the outdoor pool and put their bags down next to the side of the pool, Kakyoin grabbed Jotaro's hat and put it on his own bag. " Hey!" As Jotaro turned Kakyoin was already diving into the pool, Polnareff sat on the edge of the pool as Jotaro dived in after Kakyoin.

Kakyoin was at the other end of the pool before Jotaro even hit the water. As Jotaro swam to Kakyoin a female came and sat down next to Polnareff. " You don't mind if I sit here do you?" The female asked " Oh no not at all" Polnareff said back. She was really pretty and was wearing a plain one piece swimsuit, her short brown hair only came down to about her shoulders and she had sunglasses on the top of her head. "I'm Mariah, you?" She said waiting for his answer, "Oh I'm Polnareff" he said warily, she was pretty but she could easily be a stand user.

Meanwhile Avdol and Joseph were sitting around drinking. "You know Avdol I think there's another stand user" " oh why's that Joseph?, there can't possibly be another stand user here, why would they?" Avdol stated.

"Hey Polnareff would you happen to know if there was an outlet inside? My phones dead and I need to make a few calls" Mariah stated
While they were talking Kakyoin and Jotaro got out of the pool, "Hey, Polnareff do you need a drink I'm going to get some" Kakyoin asked
"Oh yeah could you take Mariah in with you she needs to find an outlet to charge her phone" Polnareff said while cocking his head to the side, "Yeah sure, but do you want a drink?" " uh a coke is fine" Polnareff said. Mariah stood up swiftly and followed Kakyoin inside, "So, you seem to have a close relationship with that tall male." Mariah smiled, "Oh its nothing too serious, I guess" Kakyoin said cautiously, trying not to spill to much incase she was a stand user.

  "There's an outlet over there" Kakyoin pointed towards the drink bar and sure enough there was one there. Mariah Walked over besides Kakyoin and crouched down, "Hey do you think you could plug it in for me I got to go to the bathroom real quick" Mariah gave a small smile and moved out of the way so Kakyoin could crouch down. Slowly Kakyoin reached to touch the small on  button when Joseph's loud voice boomed through the pools, Kakyoin fell over backwards and turned around "What Mr. Joestar?" He asked puzzled "That's Mariah you know Bastet Mariah?" Joseph tried to explain but to no avail "Oh well I had no idea because I wasn't there for that, I was in the hospital" Kakyoin got up flustered as Jotaro was standing behind Joseph with a worried look plastered on his face, which was hardly him. "Look I didn't touch it and I'm fine" Kakyoin brushed the dirt off him and stood up. 

"Well good luck to you guys I'm just going to leave" Mariah stated as she turned to walk away. Jotaro walked over to the drink counter and got three cokes Kakyoin joined him as he was walking back to Polnareff, "Look Kakyoin are you sure you're ok?, it's just you didn't look like you were ok." Jotaro said sighing " Yeah I'm fine you don't need to get worked up and worry about me like that I can take care of myself" Kakyoin said bluntly, "But don't take that as if I don't need you, please" Kakyoin said softer. "I'd never dream it" Jotaro replied as they sat down with Polnareff.   

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