Untitled Part 3

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I went to school and sat there quiet doing my class work. I tried to avoid everyone because i didnt want to be bothered. I wanted to talk to my principal in private about my grades.

Me- hi mr.James i wanted to see if i could graduate school earlier because im going through alot in my life and i think it will make things better.

Mr.James- actually yes you can because you are a straight A student. All you need to do is study for the exams now and take it within a few months. You can graduate before May if you pass. What are your plans after?

Me- maybe i can go to college or get my own place.

Mr.James- thats great, have you ever thought about staying on campus?

Me- yes i have but its probably expensive.

Mr.James- you can also do online college. Just pick a major thats going to help you in the future. I know you will succeed.

Me- thank you for the advice. Ill get started on preparing for the exam.

I walked out the office and went to the lunch room to get something to eat. I just got a juice with chips because there was nothing that i really liked much. I sat down at an empty table and got on my phone to look into colleges. I was still unsure about what i wanted to do after high school. All i really wanted was to be happy and safe.

Even though i was avoiding chris i still deeply loved him. He is just so sweet and careful that i couldn't ignore him. I texted him and told him that i missed him and we could meet up after school. He was so attractive and cool to me. I loved his personality and qualities.

After school i was outside waiting for chris to meet me. Within 5 minutes he showed up and gave me a big warm hug. I liked the smell of his cologne. We hugged and walked holding each other hands. Every time im around him he makes me smile.

Chris- im sorry about everything.

Me- its not problem, i understand. We are young and should take it slow. I dont want to be a burden on anyone. Im happy that i could see you today.

Chris- i know but im still sad. I wish we could live together. I want you.

Me- i love you chris

Chris- i love you too.

Chris kissed me with so much love and passion. I could tell that he wanted me in another way but i wanted to take it slow. I didnt want us to rush because we are still young. He kissed me for a long time until it was time for him to leave. We made plans to meet up at the mall next time. I was excited to be able to spend time with him. 

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