Superhero Highschool S2 - A Baby?!

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A/N: This isn't SuperHero Academy! This is based of the precursor series SuperHero Highschool, specifically season 2 where Brandon joined.

Brandon laid on his hammock quietly playing his Ds. His mind was reeling from everything the others had told him. They'd given him a brief explanation of Lukas and what there powers were but after returning from the future(? He honestly wasn't sure what to make of that situation.)

Honestly he should be content with the answers given. He'd been wonder for awhile and it had only gotten worse when hey rescued Mario from his self imposed prison.

(Although Brandon still couldn't believe that they'd actually pulled that off, considering their distraction was Ritchie fighting Michael who was an ostrich on the freeway.)

The four had explained everything from how they'd obtained their powers to their battle with Lukas and the other world, and anything else they could think of. And honestly?

He wasn't sure how he was to take any of this. All within a week, he'd been sent to live with the most well known superhero in the city, saved 3 of his closest friends, and definitely broken a few (read: a lot of) laws with them.

Not to mention he himself had only had his powers about 5 months. This was a hell of an introduction to being a hero. Some might call him lucky but he wasn't so sure. These guys, superheros they were, could be really annoying. (Although nothing compared to the principal and Diane.)

He let out a quiet huff and tried to refocus on his game, however he instead became aware of the footsteps coming down the stairs. They stopped in front of his door. Brandon shut his Ds to listen in.

It was silent for a moment before Austin spoke up. "Why are we just standing here? Shouldn't we just go in?"

"Well, it is Brandon's room now so," Ritchie hesitated before admitting, "I have absolutely no idea. Teens don't like people going in their rooms right? Especially if they just walk in right?"

"I mean that's what we always did..." Mario spoke up.

"Yeah but that's different. Not only were we the same age but we were also childhood friends." Michael explained. "Although it is Ritchie's house so... His house, his rules?" He sounded just as clueless as Ritchie by this point.

Brandon debated on taking pity on them and just opening the door, but that would require not only for him to admit he could hear them but also for him to get up, and honestly? Not something he felt like doing. So he reopened his Ds and returned to his Pokémon instead.

He played for a good ten minutes before there was a knock on his door and Ritchie called out. "Hey, Brandon? We're coming in!"

Oh so the old, "I'm respecting your privacy by knocking, but asserting my authority as your guardian by coming in anyway!" That was the same thing the principal did. He heard the door open and soon the older four stepped around the corner.

"Hello." He greeted quietly only giving them a small glance before returning to his game. Out of the corner of his eye he watched them fidget. Then, as though a choreographed move, Michael shoved Ritchie forward and then him and the other two stepped back a good foot. Ritchie stumbled but quickly turned to glare.

"What are you doing!?" He hissed quietly. "Snakes! All of you! I expected this from Michael but you two!? I am Stove dammit! You can't treat me like this!"

Brandon raised an eyebrow not looking up from his game. Was he really that intimidating? He scowled when his Cyndaquil fainted.

"Do you need something or..?"

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