Seven Deadly Sins - Fairy Form

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Brandon was exhausted. Like far more than usual and in more than a physical way. The four had just returned to their place after being sent out to deal with more demons that had somehow managed to get into their world and the battle hadn't been easy. They had all gotten pretty roughed up and Brandon had used far more magic and energy then any time before. He typically sleeps to regain his magic but he was the best off in terms of physical injuries due to chastiefol working as both longer range weapon and shield he didn't want to make them focus on him.

So the fairy had forced himself to stay awake despite how much his body tried to sleep. He'd even taken to walking since he didn't want to waste energy on flying! He sighed as he managed to usher each of the other sins into their beds before returning to his own.

He laid back and found himself unable to sleep. He wanted to laugh. Of course the one time he needed sleep to actually be useful. He lay there for about an hour listening to the other sins. Michael's quiet breaths, David's snores, Ritchie's quiet mutters, all combined in a cacophony of noises that brought him a strange sense of comfort, even as he longed to be back in the Fairy King's Forest. His thoughts of his home brought him to a realization.

He couldn't sleep due to the energy he was forcing to hold his human sized form. Due to his lack of magic he had to consciously focus on staying in this form. If he turned to his fairy form, odds were he'd be to sleep in moments. He wanted to sleep but he was hesitant. He'd never let the others see him in his natural form. They knew what he was but for some reason he'd always hid that part of himself from them. He had no reason to but a part of feared that they would treat him differently. That they would feel he was less capable or weaker.

He sighed running a hand down his face. He only had one choice at this point. Well one smart choice at any rate. He had to poof himself back to fairy size to conserve energy. He'd just have to try and wake up before anyone else. He took another moment to listen and ensure everyone one was fast asleep before there was a small puff of smoke. Brandon looked pretty much exactly the same as he did prior however he was much smaller. He was pretty sure Michael was taller than him this way. (Okay that may have been an exaggeration but still.) He let his eyes shut and this time was asleep in an instant.

The next morning Brandon awoke to the sound of whispering.

"Oh my god that is adorable." Michael's voice spoke getting two hums of agreement.

"I can't get over how tiny he is." David whispered back. "He's just so... small."

"I wonder if he's small other places." Ritchie added in.

"Shut it!" David snapped. "God can you ever think with something other than your di-!"

"Both of you, enough! You're gonna wake him!"

Brandon shifted slightly and vaguely wondered what they were even talking about. Then he remembered the previous night. He shot up in sitting position with enough force that he actually floated up into the air above the bed as he stared at the other sins that stood at the foot of his bed. He floated there for a moment hyper aware of how his clothes were far too big for him and his mask was now hung around his neck, letting the others see the blush that had appeared.

"Morning beautiful!" Ritchie purred. "Sleep well?"

Brandon hummed softly and let himself fall back on the bed. He awkwardly pulled his mask back up, it barely staying. He refused to look in their eyes.

Michael let out a strangled sort of noise and spun around hands covering his face. David looked like he was two seconds away from cooing as his eyes glistened. Ritchie smirked and sat on the bed next to the sin of sloth.

"So cutie, wanna have some fun today?" Ritchie smirked as he wrapped and arm around Brandon's shoulders.

Brandon moved to shove the other back with a role of his eyes but before he could Michael and David were both on the other shoving him to the ground. Brandon rolled his eyes before there was a puff of smoke and he was back to his human size.

"Awww..." Ritchie pouted. "Couldn't you stay a fairy for a little more?"

Brandon feeling much more in control now that he was what they knew rollde his eyes. "I'm always a fairy."

"You know what I meant!"

David looked hopeful. "Are you sure that you don't want stay in your fairy form?" He tried.





"No way."

David pouted while Michael composed himself. "Well as absolutely adorable as that was, I'm sure that we're all hungry. Let's go and get breakfast, yeah?"

Brandon yawned. "Sure cap." Brandon stood and walked past the others right down the steps. He was out the door and in the air before they could say anything else. He smirked as he flew. That went better than he expected, although now he had to deal with them begging. He sighed as they yelled after him. Oh well, one issue at a time he supposed.

A/N: I have like a million different sds ideas and they keep coming to before I have the time to write them. Oh well. Hope you all enjoyed. Peace!

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