Supernatural Origins - The Kind Witch's Tragic Tale

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TW: Witch Trial-esque era, burning at stake, betrayal

Pat was a witch (yes he was male but witches and wizards and warlocks were very different things that had nothing to do with gender, and why couldn't anyone else get that-?) who always tried his hardest to do the right thing. To help those who needed it the most. Sometimes however it lead to him getting into trouble. This time he feared it had gotten the better of him. He'd left his shop to travel to a far off kingdom that had sent out a plead for assistance and how was he to ignore that? Sure the people of the Evermoon Pact required help but they could handle themselves. This was a place of suffering and plague, where innocent men, women, and children stood no chance without proper medication. Medication he could provide with his potions!

He gone to the town and helping the people had taken quite a lot of time and effort. Throughout this he'd found himself growing fond of them and they of him, minus those who remained weary of the magic. After making and distributing his potions he was ready to leave and travel home but those plan were lead astray by a visitor one night. The Queen, the lone ruler of the land had come to thank him personally! He'd found himself smitten and from her words and actions he knew she was as well. Instead of going home he'd remained behind, entering into a courtship with the Queen, a beautiful women named Rae. 

The two had fallen for each other fairly quickly and whispers had spread through the town but they ignored them all, knowing in their hearts that they were meant for each other.

For them, life was perfect, if only for a short while.

It all came crashing down when the priest that was chosen to stand by the queen's side let envy grow in his heart. He was in love with Rae himself and it grew and festered until he let it consume him. One day he pulled the queen aside and began to whisper words of treason to her. Slowly convincing her that the young witch was using magic and trickery to gain her affection, so that once they were wed he'd be in rule of the kingdom.

The queen hadn't wanted to believe it. But what choice did she have? Her loyal priest had never lied to her before and her feelings for Pat were stronger than anything she'd ever felt before. And how else was that possible if not for hidden magic, kept safely out of sight? That night the priest gave her a list of instructions and how they would rid her heart of the spell, setting her feelings free and also punishing the sinner for his actions.

Rae made her way to Pat's home and he greeted her joyously, eagerly allowing her in. He turned to lead her in when she made her move. Fast as a cobra she had his long purple hair in her hand and using the blade she had hidden away slashed at it, severing it, the locks not held in her hand floated gently to the floor as Pat stumbled landing on the floor along side them. He turned slowly to stare at her, eyes filled with betrayal that made her heart ache. A witch's power came from their hair after all, to cut was to render them defenseless. He couldn't even speak as men from the village who had volunteered to help capture the witch rushed forward. It was only as he was being pulled out of the building that he found his voice, tears falling quickly.

"Rae!? What- I- Why!? Why are you doing this!?"

She didn't answer as he was dragged away, her own tears spilling steadily.

That night he was stripped of his belongings and locked away in the cities jail, awaiting the inevitable that would come the next day.

It was early dawn when the guards returned, grabbing him and dragging him to the town center where he was tied to a cross. There he spent the day, waiting and terrified for the inevitable. It was as the sunset began that the bells tolled and people emerged from their homes, bringing their children, and treating him as a spectacle. He wanted to scream but his voice was gone. He wanted to know why they were doing this to him? Had everything he'd done meant so little? Had they truly cared so little for him?

The priest stepped forward and stood before him, his back to the world. Pat stared at him silently begging for the man to call this to cease. They'd always been friendly so surely he'd help-!

He felt sickened when the priest merely smirked at him. His last hope flickered out as the man lit the flames that flickered below.

Tied tight to the cross he stared longing at the sky, the people's chants leaving him hollow. He thought to pray but the chanting from the people left him feeling as though he were drowning.

"Penitence for your crime! Penitence and your life!"

"If you have any last words Witch," the priest spat, "it's best to speak them now."

He stared up at the sunset, knowing he'd die with the sun. Slowly he lowered his eyes to the crowd and whispered for only the priest to hear. 

"Can't believe all the fools I see , you fed them dirty lies!" Then he yelled, voice carrying over the crowd's cheers. "If my love was just a curse then I have only tears to shed! Let it light, let it burn out bright and choke on all your spite!" The flames grew burning his legs as they climbed upwards he ignored his own tears and forced himself to spit one last line. "Take these tears, tell their story and please don't forget to cry!"

The flames caught his clothing and his he felt his body give in he couldn't help but be both comforted and saddened by the sight of Rae shoving her way through the crowd, arm out stretched as though trying to reach him her tears falling and mouth open in screams he couldn't begin to hear. He simply smiled and let his eyes fall shut, ignoring the pain and flames, letting himself go.

A/N: I've had this idea for a while and while I know Pat quit Supernatural Origins I figured this could be the tragic end to the poor sweet bean. Queen Rae is based off his girlfriend KawaiiRae and I felt awful making her the bad guy but it had to be done. I tried a slightly different style and it reads more like an oral story which I thought would be cool. So this was definitely a darker fic but I hope you all enjoyed nonetheless. Peace!

P.S. If you think I need to add anything to the TW let me know. I suck at those so help is appreciated. I just don't want to blindside anyone with something they didn't want to see.

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