Superhero Highschool S1 - Realization

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Ritchie x Michael

Michael rolled his eyes as he sat on the couch in Ritchie's apartment. Ever since Lukas had stabbed him he'd been stuck with one of his friend's practically glued to his side. They had taken to watching over him in shifts despite his protests. He was currently with Ritchie as both Mario and Austin had been called in to help with searching through Lukas's collapsed hideout.

The animorph just wanted to watch T.V. with his friend in peace, but it seemed as though Ritchie was more interested in watching him. He'd tried to ignore it and focus on the screen but every time he glanced over Ritchie was just staring at him. Eventually he just turned and raised an eyebrow.

"Can I help you with something?"

Ritchie froze, eyes widening like a deer in the headlights. "Uhh..."

"You've done nothing but stare at me for the past half hour." Michael crossed his arms. "Did you need something or..?"

Ritchie looked away, a flush rising to his cheeks. "I... um, well..."

Michael frowned and turned in his seat to fully face the other. "Hey," he said gently, "you know you can tell me anything, right? Whatever's bothering you, you can tell me."

Ritchie glanced at him for a second before turning away again. When he spoke his voice was shaky. "Michael I-.... You know I kind of see myself as a sort of leader for us." 

Michael tilted his head slightly, similar to that of a curious puppy. "Really?"

"Well, I felt like a bad leader when you got hurt. And as a leader I don't think that I responded... correctly, I guess."

Michael scrunched his nose in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

"Well, I mean, I know that you getting hurt was in some ways inevitable. We're superheros so injuries and danger are unavoidable. But seeing you hurt, being able to do nothing but watch and wait while you were in the hospital bed? It made me realize a few things. Things that shouldn't be if I'm the leader."

Michael had no clue where his friend was going with this, so deigned to just try and comfort him where he could. "Alright... So first thing, you have to remember you're not actually the leader. You just took that role on yourself. So don't put so much on yourself." Michael laid his hand on the gingers shoulder. "You can lean on us. Second, I don't know what you realized but being a leader means you can't just ignore things that you feel don't go well."

Ritchie let out a frustrated huff. "You don't get it."

"Then explain it."

Ritchie was silent for a moment before he stood and turned to face Michael. "The thing that I realized was how awful I felt seeing you laying there. It was the worst moment in my life. It made me think back on us and I..." He took a steadying breath before crouching so he was staring into Michael's eyes. "I realized I was in love with you."

Michael froze. He felt as though the air had been stolen from his lungs and his head spun. Ritchie's eyes shone with sincerity and it made a flush rise to his cheeks. "Y-You... huh?"

"I love you." Ritchie repeated, sitting back on his legs and letting a hand comb through his hair. At Michael's silence he closed his eyes looking seconds away from crying. "I-I'm sorry, I- I should of just kept quiet. It's okay if- if you don't feel the same, I-"

"Can I kiss you?"

"I- huh?"

Michael hadn't even meant to speak, the words had startled him as much as they had Ritchie but he found he didn't regret them. "Can I kiss you?"


Michael gently leaned forward, hand moving to carefully cup Ritchie's face. He let his lips flutter gently against the other boys. He leaned back quickly, the kiss being short and sweet. He watched Ritchie gently raise a hand to his lips before looking up at Michael. The adoration in his eyes made Michael want to curl up in a ball and bask in the feelings that bloomed in his chest. He'd never thought about his feelings for Ritchie but now he couldn't imagine a life without this.

"Michael? Can I kiss you?" Ritchie asked this time shifting closer. Michael felt his voice fail as he slowly nodded. "Say it please..." Ritchie's voice shook as he moved closer.

"You... you can kiss me..."

Ritchie took Michael's face in his hands and gently connected their lips, the kiss was longer this time and Michael felt his heart stutter as he melted into the kiss. Ritchie without disconnecting them slid onto the couch and pulled Michael close until the smaller was practically on his lap. The two pulled apart and took a moment to stare into each others eyes.



"I love you too..."

The two laid there in a comfortable silence until they fell asleep. That's how they were found by their friends later, cuddled up and showing no signs of letting go.

A/N: This was requested by @Kitcat458  I hope this is something like you wanted. I'm not the best at romance as it's not my favorite genre but writing it is more fun than I thought. Hope you enjoyed at any rate. Peace!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2020 ⏰

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