Haunting of Hill House - Beginnings

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Nick bit his lip as he stood outside the gates staring in at the campus. He was about to start college. He was gonna study hard get his degree and then get a good job where he can be stable for the rest of his life. He was nervous but also excited. It was his first time in America as well. He spoke English well but was prone messing up, especially when nervous. He'd applied for the dorms and was worried about who he'd end up with as a roommate.

Taking a breath he stepped through the gates and made his way to the administration building. He stepped up to the front desk and smiled politely at the lady who stared not so subtly at his eyes and hair. He was used to that so he simply kept up his smile and introduced himself.

"Hi, I'm Nick Skeleton and I was supposed to come here for my dorm information?" He shifted as she just stared at him for another moment before slowly turning to the computer and typing in something.

She stared at the screen for a moment before frowning and turning back to Nick. "You said your name was Nick Skeleton?" He nodded. "I'm sorry sir. It says here that you were signed up to live off campus."

He blinked mind running her words through to ensure he'd heard her right. "No, that can't be right. I was signed up to be staying in the dorms."

"Well the computer doesn't lie."

"There has to be a mistake-"

"I'm telling you there isn't. Now if you'll excuse me."

Nick paled. "No, that- You don't understand, I don't have anywhere else to stay! Is there someone I can talk to and get this sorted out?"

She shook her head. "I'm sorry but the only person would be the dean and as this is the day most students are arriving he's very busy today. Now if you'll excuse me there are people waiting to be helped." Sure enough a line had grown behind him.


"Sir please leave or I'll call security."

He stared at her in shock for a moment longer before turning and making his way out of the building. He sat on the steps outside and groaned letting his head fall onto his knees. What was he to do? He only had a couple hundred dollars and his backpack full of clothes. That was all he'd brought with him. He groaned. What was he meant to do now?

He jumped as he heard a thud from somewhere in front of him. Looking up he saw a girl with blonde hair laying on the ground a couple of bags around her. He watched for a moment and grew concerned when she didn't get up on her own. He stood hesitantly and made his way over to her. She was on her back with a suitcase that had popped open and thrown her belonging's everywhere lay a bit away.

He had to do a double take when he looked at the mess and noticed, not one, not two, but three garden gnomes laying on the ground.

Once he was standing above her he gave a concerned frown. "Umm... Are you okay?"

She blinked her eyes open and looked up at Nick startled. "Are you talking to me..?"


"Oh. In that case yeah I'm just great." Her voice was dripping with sarcasm and Nick had to admit he felt for the girl. This had to be a rough start to her day.

"Why don't I help you pick this stuff up?" She eyed him mistrustfully and he held back an eye roll. "I promise I won't steal anything."

"I suppose I could let you help me." She agreed after a moment.

Nick held back a scoff as he helped the girl to her feet. Talk about rude. He offers to help and she treats him like he's lucky to be allowed to help. Together they got her stuff picked up and situated back into her suitcase.

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