3. Home With The Mckenzie Siblings (II)

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People don't change, they just mask up their bad habits and careless lifestyle with innocent and charming looks, feigning trustworthiness in order to hurt foolish people who're stupid enough to fall victims for their lies and deceits.

- From the diary
of Katherine Amelia Jones


LATER TODAY, I came to know all the names of the Mckenzie siblings.
The redhead is Sam.
Curly hair boy is Evans.
Dirty blonde hair boy is Max.
Salt pepper hair, of course I know her stupid name is Sarah.
And the black hair girl, Miranda.

I had searched them on Facebook.

The eldest of them are Max and Miranda who're twins. They're both Eighteen.
Followed by Evans who's Seventeen. Then Sarah who's Sixteen too.
And Sam, who's fifteen, a year behind me.

I got results about Max who's a good soccer player and had won many thropies in Britain. But boy, he loves involving himself in problems, engaging in fights and was shipped off to military school to change.
He's back now. Guess he tagged his shitty attitude along with himself.

Miranda's a model.

Evans is a baseball player and good at car racing.

Sarah looks like a goody two shoes but loves partying from her pictures I scroll through.

Sam is the jack of all his siblings talents.
He can play soccer, baseball, has a nice voice for singing and models too because of his lanky stature.

I don't have the energy to waste to roll my eyes, because they are all so public about their lifestyle on social media.

A knock on my door interrupts me from going further and before I can permit the door to be opened, the door jerks open and one of the said siblings makes his way into my room.

"How dare you come into my room without my consent?" I ask in fury as I exit Facebook and stand up from my bed.

In a swift motion, I'm being pull on my arm by Max Mckenzie.

"Excuse you?" I demand expecting him to speak up, but he just purses his lips and stares at me. And then, lets out a low chuckle.

"Why the fuck are you in my room you douchebag." I inquire trying to wiggle my self free from his grip, but I can't. His grip on my arm is so tight.

"Now isn't the time beating back and forth, kid. We're all having a meeting and we want you to join us."

Did he just call me a kid?

Anger boil inside of me as I narrow my eyes at him, while his gaze darken, not releasing his grip on my arm.

Rage flashes itself in my vision and I throw a punch on his jaw.

He's tall, way stronger than I am.
And looks so furious after the punch.

"You bitch." He hisses, and it takes me a mo to realise that he furiously lifts me up, slams me again the wall and leaves me to fall on the floor.

Tears blurs my vision as I groan at the impact, my back and butt prickling from the pain.

No one dare layed hands on me, no one.
And as I cry, I'm beyond shock that someone, a nobody laid hands on me, slam me against the wall and left me land with my butt on the floor with a loud thud.

"You dare lay your squalid hands on me, you're going to pay mother fucker." I ground out in between tears as I repeatedly rub on my back and butt, which hurts a great deal.

He grabs on my collars from the floor where I'm sitted and pulls me up again, which sends my legs dangling because I'm 5.2 feet while he's 6.3feet. I'm scared he wants to slam me against the wall again. His eyes are so cold and full of hatred, devoid of emotions.

"You think we want this? We want our mom to be with your prick of a father?" He asks tightening his grip on my collars which hurts my neck a fucking lot.

He looks away from me then adds. "Dad was going to apologise for all his mistakes, he wanted her back, and he had to get involved in that fucking plane crash on his way back from London and died. Five fucking month later, she's married to your Sasquatch of a Dad." The way he talks, it's like he's talking to him self.

Tears spills from my eyes from the pains, and all I can notice is how handsome he looks.

You're being stupid right now, Katherine.
I can feel my subconscious rolling her eyes at me.

Something like pity and disgust flashes through his eyes, and he drops his hands by his side, which sends me falling on the floor again.

I can hear the loud thud as my butt hits the floor and outcry in pain.

Madeline, my maid rushes in when she hears my cry and gasps, seeing how I'm on the floor, with the beast circling me.

"Get the fuck out!" He barks at her.

"I'm calling security." She says dashing towards the door and he rushes and slams her against the wall.

He's really a beast.

"Do that and you'd get yourself fired.
I'm now a Jones, and I have equal rights with little Katie here." He looks at me and smiles wickedly.

And as Madeline runs out in fear, the rest of the four Mackenzie siblings makes their way in to my room.

Gold fucking diggers want to intimidate me in my own house, I won't let them.

"Katherine sounds like the name of a stripper." Sam says earning chuckles from his siblings.

"She looks like a stray cat." Sarah chips in throwing a smirk at my way, daring me to talk back at her with her eyes.

Despite my pains, I snort, rise to my feet with shaky legs and glower at their stupid shitty ugly faces "Listen to me and listen good you gold diggers and paupers, this is my Dad's house and you'd all live by my rules, are we clear?"

"We'll see about that." Max says and signal Evans, the bulkier of the boys to step foward, and before I know what the hell is going on, a dirty rag is stuffed into my mouth and I'm tie to the the chair.

"Now who's the boss." Miranda asks as they all surround me laughing and pointing fingers at me.

"I will deal with you all." I yell almost in tears, but they can't hear me because my voice sounds muffled through the dirty rag.

Oh God, no! I mutter under my breath as I stare down at the rag

It's a dirty stockings that looks like it hasn't met the beauty of water since it was bought.

They have the audacity to bully me in my own house.
Tears blurs my vision because I have no one to stand up for me right now, I can't run out to go get the body guards.
I'm just one and they're five, surrounding me.
And no matter the sharp tongue I've got, I'm easily lead to tears.


Hey guys, how do you see this chapter?
Do you think Katherine deserves to be treated this harshly by the Mckenzie siblings, especially Max?
And do you think Katherine would get back at them?

Don't forget to drop a comment and click on the vote button. 😆

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