6|Blind Date

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Dahyun's P.O.V

I was talking to Chaeng when I suddenly hear something that sounds like shouting in the halls. It wasn't like angry type shouting but more like calm shouting.

Well, whoever that is, they sure don't sound to happy. It'd be really funny if it were the manager I just called telling her hot employee that she was gonna be my personal servant.

I guess it wouldn't hurt to check.

I decided to lean against the door to try to listen in on what was going on. When I hear what sounds like "Her personal what". Yup, it's her. I knew it.

I don't understand why she's taking it so bad. If anything I'm doing her a favor. Who wouldn't want to assist me?

I was walking away from the door when I hear my phone ring. I look at it to see that it's another one of my best friends, Jeongyeon.

"Yo, What's up Jeong?" I tell her.

"What do you mean what's up? You're in Japan and you decided not to tell me?!"

Oh. "Why, or why is it such a problem? Don't tell me you're in Japan right now too?!"

It's been so long that I've seen her and her girlfriend Nayeon that I would actually be so glad if they were here right now.

"Yeah duhh, why else would I call you?" Ouch, that kind of hurt.

"Damn, that's awesome. What are you doing in Japan right now?"

Jeongyeon along with me is also one of the most popular people in South Korea. She doesn't work in the business like me but she does know how to work her way around things. Jeong is one of Korea's most good looking and popular models, along with people like Bae Joohyun and Kim Yongsun.

"Nayeon has really been wanting to visit for a while and I have a couple of days off before my next shoot."

Nayeon and Jeongyeon met at a photo shoot about two years ago. Jeong called me the next day saying she had the worst photo shoot of her life. Mainly because of the nervousness she had due to the fact that her photo shoot partner was the most gorgeous girl she's ever seen. Jeong had no direct contact to her after so she asked every manager until she got Nayeon's number. They talked, went out, and have been dating since.

"I swear Jeong, I have never seen or heard you so whipped for someone."

"Mind your own business man. When are you gonna settle down? You're almost 30."

Almost 30?! "Chill out, I'm literally 24." The audacity this girl has. At least I haven't aged a bit.

"Anyways Jeong why'd you really call?" I told her, she still hasn't told me what she needed.

"Can't I just see how my best buds been doing?!"

Hmm I guess she's right.

"Well anyways, I heard from Mina that you guys were in Japan, so I wanted to see if you wanted to go clubbing before I go back to Korea."

It's been a while since I've had some fun so I guess it doesn't seem like a bad idea.

"Yeah, when and who's going?" I asked her.

"Today's Friday, so how about tomorrow night?" Seems good, I thought.

"As for who's going. I was talking to Mina and she said her and Chae would go with Nayeon and I, then she told me that she came with you aswell so let's all go."

Oh, so it's a double date. "Well y'all have fun, I don't think I can go knowing that I'm gonna be a third wheel the whole time."

"That's the thing, you won't be. Nayeon is bringing her really close friend so maybe we can try to set you up."

Hmmm, interesting.

"I'm listening."

"Well Nayeon knows how you are but she has this friend that has been single for a long time and really wants to find her someone. I told her about you and well that's that."

I guess I could give it a try. "Do you know who it is?"

"No, she didn't want to tell me. Nayeon said it would be better if we made it like a blind date."

It better be worth it. "Alright then I guess I'll see you tomorrow night. Tell Nayeon I said Hi."

"Oh don't worry, it was on speaker. She heard everything."

Just as she told me that I heard someone in the background.

"Hey, we miss you Dubu." I automatically knew it was Nayeon due to her piercing voice. I chuckled.

"Hey Nabongs, I miss you too. Sorry you have to deal with Jeong by yourself. I'll see you tomorrow." I said while laughing.

Right before Nayeon answered I could hear a muffled "Hey" coming from Jeongyeon in the back. It made me laugh even harder.

"You better run when I see you tomorrow Dahyun!"

"Yeah okay, I'm so scared."

"Aish you little-"

"Okay gotta go Jeong, see you tomorrow." I said quickly before hanging up.

Being this amazing really does get tiring. I look over at my clock to see that it's already 10 pm.

"Well I better get to sleep. I do need my beauty sleep after all."

Talking about beauty, I wonder If that girl I'm meeting is from around here. Hopefully she's hot. If I'm honest I think my expectations of someone who's 'hot' have changed after seeing Sana. Sana was the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.

How great would it be if my blind date were her? I'd lose my shit.

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