(I don't care if you read this...)

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My siblings yelled at me. One hit me with a pillow when I was writing an essay. One said he'll kick my butt (replaced word). All because I was taking my little siblings spot on the bed to write my essay. Then they dared to talk about me saying how come I didn't do the essay last well. First of all, we just got assigned this on Monday and I had to work. Tuesday, packing bags to Mississippi. Wednesday through Friday, arriving in Mississippi, had to do yard work, go shopping and I admit I got playing on my phone. But they act like they're so flipping perfect. Last time I checked the spots weren't assigned by anyone..then as I got done with the paper, I got all my belongings and left the room. As I did this my twin said, "Where are you going? Are you going to walk back home?" (Visiting in Mississippi) Then I got yelled at by my aunt for not knowing what to do with my hair.

I'm sorry bothering everyone... (*crying at 12:22am*)

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