Hi. I ask only one thing...

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Please...like one person already has, because I asked, please stop caring about me....

I don't wanna trigger anybody or make you all annoyed.....

But...I can't take it....

Please let me die already...

It's so hard living...

*laughs* I don't know why I'm crying. This is the darkness inside me...

I'm sick of myself..

Mom yelled at me about eating. I know. I know. Half of you, either are gonna yell at me or not care about the things I say. I'm honestly so done at this point. Mom gets frustrated because of what I eat. I know it's not healthy eating chips or whatever. But I hate that I don't look like you, my skinny twin. She is healthy and can eat 2 plates of food and eat more. I on the other hand, if I eat one freaking plate, I gain weight.

I freaking hate myself.

I hate being recognized as the fat/bigger twin.

I hate people constantly telling me to lose weight. I wanted to do it for myself. I don't need people always telling me too. My Mom even suggested that I go to a boot camp to lose weight.

Am I not pretty enough for you?

Am i too fat?

I don't even like eating or even thinking about it. It makes me feel sick.

Sorry for ranting....


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