Why Am I Still Alive?

33 2 4

If you are very sensitive or uncomfortable with the topic of death...please skip this chapter.

You wanna unfollow me, maybe because I'm annoying or whatever...do so now.

Anyone leave yet? Might wanna do so now...

🖤Song starts here.🖤



Why am I still alive?
Somedays I wanna die.
I don't deserve to be alive.
I wanna let go
But I know you'll scream at me.

These thoughts are drowning me.
Feels like I can't breathe.
Sometimes I wanna lie here
And not get up again...

These nights I lie awake
Thinking that you'll leave me
And it seems nice to me.
I know I don't deserve you
So please just leave.

No one to care again
No one to stop me...
Let me go
I'm already drowning in my thoughts again

MEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora