chapter 3

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"Bunny!" Jamie beamed, running out the school building and into Alex's arms.

"How was my little chipmunks first day at school?" Alex asked, seating her at the back of his car.

"It was amazing, I drew a picture, look it's me, you, and our two mummies."

Alex had already taken his seat when his smile slightly faltered. He turned to look a Jamie, reestablishing his smile.

"No way, can I see?"

Excitedly digging through her bag, Jamie fished out her self-drawn artwork and passed it to Alex. On it were two stick figures that had yellow hair that Jamie pointed out to be them.

"They didn't have any brown crayons so I couldn't draw mama," Jamie said, slightly pouting. She then pointed to the tallest person in the picture.

"That's mummy Cindy." Jamie's voice faltered a bit, her bright blue eyes looking up at Alex. "When is she gonna come back, I miss her."

Alex kept his gaze on the drawing, afraid to make any contact with Jamie. How could he even begin to tell her that their mother had already passed on. It was already enough stress on their mum who had lost her life partner, how then, could she break the news to Jamie when she herself still refused to accept it.
Alex finally looked up at her, lightly patting her head. "She's in a better place now."

Jamie said nothing, almost as if she'd understood his words. She lightly nodded, stuffing the drawing back into her bag.

The ride home was quieter than usual. The radio the only thing to keep them from being in total silence. Alex was debating whether he'd said the right thing, maybe it wasn't time.

"Bunny," Jamie lightly called, getting Alex to humm in response.

"Will mama be alright?"

Alex threw her a side glance, lightly smiling. "Ofcourse, this is why we should always help her out when she's not feeling well, alright?"
Jamie nodded, also smiling before taking her gaze back outside the window.

Alex sighed quietly, his thoughts abustle. Ever since the death of Cindy, their second mother, its been harder for their mum to take care of them. With her autism, keeping a job was growing harder and being one of the only people of colour in town meant she was thoroughly looked down upon by many.

This made getting into college an essential as well as taking up as many part time jobs that he could force himself to. After scraping enough cash, he was finally able to buy himself a car to provide safer for commute for both Jamie and his mum. It was hard, juggling work and studying, but he had to do something. He couldn't just sit around and watch as their mother tried everything she could to provide for them.

"We're home," Alex announced as he parked the car on the driveway. Jamie was quick to jump out and burst through the front door. "We're home!" She shouted. Alex was right behind her when their mother stuck her head from the kitchen.

"Welcome home," she greeted, accepting Jamie's hug. "How was school today," She questioned, Alex the first to groan.


"Amazing!" Jamie threw her hands in the air, her voice loud enough to hide Alex's incessant complaints.

"No one's bullying you right?" She asked, a wrinkle creasing her brow.
Alex laid a hand on her shoulder as to calm her worries. "Don't worry," He said, Jamie furiously nodding.

"Ill beat up any who bullies me or bunny or mummy."

"There will be no beating up of anyone, young lady," their mum said, placing Jamie back down.

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