Part Two

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"C'mon Hales, let's go!" Nathan whined from the doorway, his towel slung over his shoulder, a frown on his face.

Haley laughed from in front of the dresser, her hands full of their clothes. "Just give me a second. I want to unpack our stuff first. You know how I hate living out of suitcases."

"God forbid the clothes not be perfectly neat." Nathan grumbled before sitting dejectedly on the bed, knowing there would be no getting her to leave until she was done.

"What was that?" She turned around sharply, eyebrow raised.

Nathan put on his most innocent smile, "Nothing honey." He gave her a wink.

"Yeah, I'm sure." Haley turned back around, pulling out drawers and neatly putting their clothes in. On the bed, Nathan reached into her suitcase to pull out his favorite bathing suit, the black and aqua bikini. Fingering the straps now, his mind wandered to that first summer, how long ago it seemed, but yet he could still remember exactly how he had felt to be with her, to know she was his. He had never really felt that with anyone, the knowledge that they wanted to be with you as much as you did with them. It was a liberating feeling, to feel secure with someone else, and it was one Nathan couldn't imagine living without.

Standing quickly, he moved behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist, the bikini still in his hands. "How about you wear this one today? Old time's sake?" He grinned at her in the mirror, his nose nuzzling her neck.

Her hands stilled on the drawer, her smile taking up her whole face. "I'd love to." Haley spun around in his arms, loving the feel of his arms around her waist, and pulled herself in close for a kiss. Nathan responded eagerly, his mouth opening slightly to flick his tongue along the lines of her bottom lip.

"What was that earlier about making it up to me?" He pulled back to smirk at her.

"God, do you two ever keep your hands off each other?" Taylor's voice broke the mood of the room as she leaned against the door jamb and Haley could feel Nathan grow agitated under her hands.

"Hi Tay." Haley forced her voice pleasant, trying to keep Nathan from shooting any barbs at her.

"Hi Haley. So, Nathan, I see you're still pushing yourself into family vacations." She gave him a pointed look.

"Taylor." Nathan gave her a menacing smirk. "I see you're still patrolling Myrtle, looking for your next STD."

Haley stifled a laugh, pressing her face into Nathan's shoulder, feeling the heat of his skin through his Duke t-shirt. Taylor pushed herself away from the door, entering the room to stand in front of them, her eyebrow raised in defiance.

"Okay you two, stop." Haley stood between them, her yearly role as peacemaker already beginning. "Can't you guys just pretend to get along for a week?" To think Haley had originally been worried that Taylor would try to seduce Nathan, and that first summer that worry had been legitimate. But something had changed over the years and now their constant bickering and insults were enough to send Haley over the edge.

Nathan broke the smirk he was sending Taylor over Haley's head and stood beside his girlfriend, wrapping his arm loosely around her waist. "I think we can handle it, right Taylor?" His voice was laced with kindness, but he was back to the familiar Scott smirk.

Taylor glared briefly, narrowing her eyes, before she nodded. "Yeah, sure." She shifted her gaze from Nathan to smile nicely at Haley. "Hey Hales, if I meet any cute guys at the beach, I'll be sure to give them your number. You could stand an upgrade." She gave Nathan a wink before turning and sauntering out the open doorway.

Haley looked over her shoulder, taking in the fire that burned in Nathan's eyes, the stoic line of his jaw. "I'll just go change, and then we can head to the beach." She grabbed the black and aqua bikini out of his tense fingers before placing a soft kiss against the side of his mouth, her hand running across his stomach. "I love you."

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