Part Six

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"Nathan! We're engaged!" Haley squealed happily as they walked the boardwalk of Myrtle, their arms wrapped tightly around each other.

Nathan laughed, happy to see her so happy. "I know. Does it seem real yet?" The night air clung around them, the sea breeze whipping along the coastline.

Haley turned her head into Nathan's shoulder, her face tilted towards his, her smile wide. "Not yet. But I don't think I could be any happier." She pressed her lips to his, licking softly at his mouth. "I love you."

Nathan smiled against her lips, "I love you too. So much."

Haley pulled away abruptly, stepping in front of him to twirl happily. "We're getting married! Can you believe it?" She spun again her arms stretched over her head.

"I've wanted to marry you for awhile now and I have a hard time believing this came as a complete shock." He smiled again, the mood electric.

Haley smiled wistfully. "Well I had hoped it was coming, so no, it wasn't a shock, but you certainly took me by surprise. A good surprise."

"For once, I get you to admit a surprise can be good." He moved closer, his hands skimming over her hips.

"Oh, I doubt that will be the only time. In fact," she giggled as his fingers roamed beneath her sweater, "a lot of things can be good." She leaned up, stretching completely to meet his lips, hungry for his taste. Nathan's lips met hers instantly, pulling her flush against him as they stood still on the boardwalk, their bodies leaning against the guardrail. Haley felt the rough wood of the fence against her back where Nathan's hands were riding up her sweater, as Nathan's body moved between her legs. She could feel him against her, lean and hard, his back strong under her roaming hands. "God you feel good." Haley nipped at his lips, alternating between teasing kisses and long, soulful embraces, wanting him completely, wanting to celebrate this moment, sear it into her brain.

Nathan pushed back at her, her soft curves meeting him, knowing exactly how she would feel and wanting her even more for it. His hands were all over, forgetting that they were in public, forgetting everything around him as he lost himself in her, in them, in forever. His fingers moved against the smooth skin of her back, moving to finger the strap of her bra, teasing at the clasp. Haley's breath hitched and she bit lightly on his lip, her own hands wandering to the front of his jeans, feeling him hard against the zipper.

The sounds of a group of teenagers giggling had them tearing apart, their breaths shallow and fast, and their pulses racing. Nathan leaned his forehead against hers, letting out a breath shakily. Haley giggled, burying her head in his chest as the crowd passed; embarrassed at almost losing all control, yet relishing in the power it gave her.

She wanted him, here, now, regardless of time or place, maybe even more because of it. Nathan drew in a breath sharply as Haley's hands moved back to his zipper, tracing the outline of him softly. "Hales." His voice came out on a moan.

She looked up at him innocently. "What?"

Nathan struggled for his voice as her fingers continued their exploration, his mind dividing in a thousand different directions. His body longed to join with hers, to feel her hot and wet, surrounding him, while his mind tried to grasp for control, tried to delay them until they could be inside. He stepped back sharply, putting distance between their bodies as he struggled to control his body. Haley's looked at him questioningly.

"We're engaged." Haley looked at him, her face a mixture of confusion and happiness. "I just think the first time we make love as an engaged couple should be special. No matter how much I want you right now, it doesn't seem like the right way to celebrate. I want to be with you, all of you, but not like this. At least, not right now."

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