Twin Tears

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As I lay here quietly, I cringe as twin tears sink down my cheeks.
How could this have happened, I question myself? How?
What have I done to make this so…who have I upset
Or what have I disrupted…
As my tired skin slowly soaks up the twins I breathe as my face becomes tight.
It was my choice, why did I pick this? To sit alone in a dark room…
Instead of being surrounded by home.  
Why be stuck here? Instead of out there!
Is it that I am too tired and weak, or is it that I just don’t have any other choice?
I just want to be better.
But to be better I still must suffer…we must still suffer.
For I alone am not distressed by this…but my entire family.
Though I am sick I cannot be selfish, I must thank and think.
All of those that take their time for me and who have heavy hearts for me.
I must not cry I must not fall…
For those who would be crushed, broken, and tormented.
So I must be strong I must never cry…which is why I cringed when you fell…
My silent but heavy twins…

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