Her Broken Love

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Smiling faces; kisses sweet.
Only faltered by hate so deep.
I love him but you do not.
My heart beats and your hate is hot.
You are my father you are my friend.
The man you have chosen will not mend.
My beating heart which you don't understand.
The man I love is holding my hand.
Whispering loving words that you reprimand.
He is my lover; he is my friend.
I shall love him until the end.
I will not marry the man you choose.
For he does not meet my muse.
I heard he loves another.
Or at least he did.
She now sleeps in a lonesome bed.
With harsh word spoken upon her head.
By the one she loves,  the one I dread.
Father please listen for your hate is heavy on my head.
It breaks my soul as it does my heart.
But abandon my love I shall not.
Love is our promise from friend to friend.
You loved my mother; she was your friend.
Why you can love but I cannot.
Breaks my heart, so please don't start.
You say I am a woman made of wax.
Made to be moulded as the years doth pass.
By your hands, father dear please listen for I am hurting here.
In my heart where my love is kept.
The key is mine to give away.
I shall not love the man you choose.
For he does not meet my muse.
My happiness seams to hurt your heart.
My being happy really smarts.
Your ego is so dear to you.
It is the burden which shadows your heart.
My eyes are hard the tears have dried.
But my hands still tremble; my lips still quiver.
My heart still yearns for my illegal love.
Loving is wrong for a lady to choose.
It is for her father to approve.
I love my love not your choice.
But my choice is wrong which I can't understand.
I am not a rose withering on virgin thorns.
I am a lady who has been scorned.
By the father that she loved so dear.
Loved I say loved I do.
My love for you is and uneven tower.
Tipping as your insults grow.
I am not made to grow, live and die.
I am made to reach the sky.
To love my love and support my friends.
And help the hearts that are in need of a mend.
I love you only because I must.
You were my father you were my friend.
But you broke my love and insulted my heart.
Goodbye bitter lover; goodbye cold friend.
I will not love you until the end.
You were my father you were my friend.
You love is cold.
And does not mend.
I now say goodbye forever.
The end.

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