Love vs Hate

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The heart has fallen victim to love and the love has fallen victim to hate.

The hate is strong and the love has fallen and dreams of running.

Running far and farther still the love is tired and the hate is ill.

The hate is waiting as the love drifts to sleep, like a wolf watching the sheep.

But like the sheep the love runs again, tripping over branches and ripping its hands.

The hate starts to laugh as the love lamely runs and goes back home before the morning's sun.

When the hate arrives home the love goes to sleep and dreams of the one it loves so very
deep. And when it wakes alone it is.

Lost the love begins to feel so under a tree it sits and sings, wondering about the hate it left behind, so sad it feels, so sad it is.

Gets up and begins to trek again, back to the hate it left instead.

When it arrives as the hill on the outskirts of the city, it sits down and begins to feel silly.

When blush turns to sad and sad turns to tears, a hand reaches down and ruffles its hair.
Afraid it is of such a gentle touch, begins to fear with silly fuss.

But looking up surprised it is, when hate is see with not eyes glowing red but eyes smiling true instead, happy to see it's long departed friend.

For love and hate are one in the same the both cause happiness, joy and pain.

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