Your regretful Bystander

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When you break, and the fatigue finally takes you.
When you cry, and your knees finally crumble.
When you scream, and only the emptiness hears you.
I’ll be there…you may not see me but I am.
I’ve watched as the world slowly ripped you apart and threw your lifeless pieces on the ground.
I’ve stood by and listened to the hateful words that whispers spoke to you.
I’ve lied to myself and told my conscious that this did not concern me.
And I am sorry…I know I cannot fix what they, the world has done to you…but I can try.
Slowly…I’ll take the pain away; I’ll show you the light again.
I know you may not think of me as a helper…I know I didn’t do anything to stop the cuts…
But I promise…I PROMISE I’ll help you to heal them.
So please if you can hear me, let me help.
Don’t think it’s hopeless…I am here…I’ll always be here…
Please don’t give up…
Your regretful Bystander

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