Dinner Date.

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It had been around four days since the party and since then, I had become Ben's girlfriend. I was on cloud nine; in fact, I was so out of it that I nearly snapped my glasses in half walking into a door. Rewind to the morning after the party however and I had just woken up to Louis rolling into his room and dragging me out of bed, with Shane behind him. I didn't want to see him at all and was rather pissed at Louis.
Shortly after, Shane apparently recalled what had happened and got on his knees to apologise to me, in which I ushered him back up and kind of forgave him.
After the party, I kind of just wandered round my house, aimlessly, seen as Steph and Luke were still on holiday. I got the occasional message asking about how I was. I knew I would have to tell them eventually but I think I would do that in person. Man, I was so pumped to tell them but then again, I was scared in case it somehow got out. I trusted them of course, to be honest, I just didn't trust others who could "overhear"
I also received no messages from Adam. I had gotten to the point of not giving a fuck if he messaged me anyway.
I had also got Ben's number, so I had been texting him more or less every day. It was mainly picture messages of what we had eaten for dinner or pictures of him with his head on a pile of work captioned "Please come and help me ;)xx" Which, if you should know, was very hard to resist.
So there I was, flicking through the music channels, when my phone goes off; I knew who it was, I just didn't know what he wanted. I unlocked my phone and clicked on the message which read:
"Hey, I just finished marking work and organising it for next year. So I was wondering if you wanted to come over and have dinner? It's fine if you can't but whatever you want;)xxx"
Oh my fuck. He invited me over for dinner, alone. His house. What was I going to wear? I was freaking out and join the midst of having a breakdown, I noticed I hadn't replied.
"Yeah sure! I haven't got anything to do anyway, when should I come over and do you want me to bring anything?xxx"
"Come at 4:)just bring your pretty self;)xxx" How did I reply to that?
"4 it is then:Pxxx" I locked my phone and flung myself back so I was lay on my couch.It was 2:30pm now, meaning I had about an hour and a half. Fuck.
I got up and had a shower, before spending 20 minutes deciding whether to straighten my hair or curl it, which I decided to straighten it. I put on some eyeliner and mascara and hurried around trying to find my contact lenses. I'd fucking lost them. I put my glasses on and opened my wardrobe.
I wore my baggy, but hugging in the right areas, light blue jumper and some dark blue denim pants with my white converse. It was now 3:45pm, it only took me about 5 minutes to get there but I kind of wanted time to slow down seen as I had crazy butterflies and a sore belly from being nervous.
I slapped my cheeks, got up and looked at myself in the mirror. I never wore my glasses out because I thought they made my forehead look big but I had to suck it up just this once. I noticed that my hair had grown to my waist which was surprising considering it was at my bust in January.
I locked up and started walking but not before putting my music on and taking in a deep breath, heavily exhaling then laughing at how ridiculous I must have looked to the people walking past me. A million questions were racing through my mind. Do I knock? Take my shoes off? Hug him? Kiss him? It was ridiculous. I put my thoughts aside when I realised I had arrived.
He told me which apartment it was so I knew that I had to walk up the stairs to get there. I walked up two flights of stairs before arriving at 2B. I was hesitant to knock, kept on pulling my hand back before violently shaking my head and without hesitation, accidentally banged on the door just like I did that morning he was sleeping in school.
The door almost immediately swung open and there Ben stood. He had a spatula in one hand and a towel in the other and was wearing a dark purple apron. He wiped his forehead with the back of his hand and leant against the door.
"Hey, you're wearing your glasses?" He leant down and kissed me on the cheek.
"A-ah yeah, I lost my contacts, you look busy" I laughed and poked him on the chest. He dropped the towel and pulled me inside, the door slamming shut behind me, as well as the spatula. By this point, he had one hand on my bum and one on my cheek. He looked me up and down before nodding and biting his lip. I put my hands on his chest and got pulled in for a kiss. I moved my hands further up so they were on his cheeks. He grabbed my waist and groaned "I'm sorry but I can't hold back" We stayed at the door for about five minutes, taking in every part of each other as much as we could before pulling back and standing, admiring each other.
"I'm so lucky!" He chirped as he grabbed my hand and lead me to the living room. His apartment was quite big for someone his age and job occupation and it was modern and stylish. I stood at the window and looked out. He had a view of the town centre which was nice from a high-ish viewpoint. I felt him wrap around me from behind before resting his head on my shoulder.
" The view was even nicer from where I was stood with you in it." He kissed my neck, which I let out a soft moan. Oh my god this is so fucking embarrassing. But, to no surprise, he just laughed it off. "You're so cute."
I turned around, his arms still around me and looked up at him. "So who decorated your flat? It's gorgeous!"
"My sister, it used to be her flat when she was single but since then she moved out and as you know, is married" I was impressed at how clean it was as well. I tapped his forehead flirtatiously. "So what's for dinner Mr. Chef?" He laughed while playing with my hair. "Well, I was going to make pizza at first, but I couldn't do that on our first date right? So instead I've made stir fry" He smiled, awaiting my reply. "Sounds delightful, I love stir fry" My first date.
After half an hour of watching him cook and set up the table, he escorted me to a two man table, which had red cloth over it and a candle lit in the middle. He sat me down before running back to the kitchen and bringing in our plates. After he had sat down, we dug in. I was literally in heaven. I didn't even know food could taste this nice. He read the look on my face and put his fork down and started giggling.
"Is it good?" I went bright red and was unable to answer as my mouth was full, I nodded and swallowed my food.
"How are you so good at cooking? I can't even cook half as well as this!"
"My parents were rarely home and my sister always came back late from school so I made the food myself. Pretty good right?" I couldn't help but feel a little sad. I had always had a loving family who were there for me pretty much all the way throughout my childhood. I couldn't imagine what it was like.
"Don't feel bad, if anything, it's paid off just by looking at the reaction on your face" He started laughing again. I felt so at peace and relaxed, it was like every worry I had vanished when I was with him. The rest of dinner consisted of talking about anything and everything, followed by washing the dishes up and relaxing watching TV, snuggled up to him.
It got to around 10pm, I noticed the time and started panicking.
"Stay over if you like?" Was I hearing right? I hesitated saying I could get home myself.
He chuckled and pulled me on top of him, so we were now lying on the couch, him on the bottom, me on top. "Don't worry, I won't try anything, just sleep with me like this, that's all I ask." His voice had that tired tone to it. My god, it was so hot. I lay my head on his chest and nodded. His heart was racing. Somehow, it made me feel happy, that I could make someone feel like this. And before I knew it, I had fallen asleep.
I woke up and pulled myself up, I noticed that Ben was still below me, his glasses on the floor and his hair all messy. He looked adorable. I tried my hardest not to wake him while trying to get up but it seemed my efforts had all gone to waste when I felt his arm tighten around my wrist and squeeze me tightly. I turned to face him, and saw him staring right back at me, a tired look in his eyes and his voice croaky from just waking up.
"This is the nicest thing I've ever woken up to. Good morning Jenny" He smiled and sat up "Morning Ben"
The morning dragged on, I was treated to a bacon butty and a cup of tea. Man, I could get used to this. I checked the time and realised it was around 11am. Mum and Dad were getting back on Friday so I wanted to make sure the house was nice in time for them coming home. I got up, helped Ben clean before thanking him for letting me stay.
"You don't have to thank me, you can stay whenever" He walked me to the door before giving me one last kiss. I really didn't want to leave.
"I'll text you when I get back. Bye bye" I waved him off and started to walk home. I didn't think I could ever be granted so much happiness, the Gods were on my side. I started smiling to myself, which was more a less smacked off my face when I got to my door. I stepped back before realising he had already looked up and saw me.
"Hey, It's been a while, I've missed you."
Adam was back.

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