New Year, new enemy.

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*Wow, it's been a while! I'm so glad I'm back writing this, and 900+ reads! It's amazing really. I may not have that many per chapter (nowhere near) but I'm still super happy that the little portion of you are still reading this, thanks so so much! I also wasn't joking when I said the end of January huh? Anyway enjoy!*  

A lot happened after that incident with Adam. He eventually went back to America on the same day Luke and Steph came back. And of course, I had to tell them about me and Ben, to which they weren't all that surprised, but promised to keep things quiet. The only people I hadn't now told were my parents and Louis.

And so, the final week of summer went by and now it was time to go back to school; my final year of high school with Ben.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm and a message from him.

"Morning sunshine. See you at school, love you xx"

I smiled at my phone and got ready for school. This year, we had a different uniform, as we were Year 11's which meant we got a dark green jumper, tie, and the usual. I had to admit that I was excited to be wearing a uniform again.

I was certain that this year was going to be full of trials, but I was ready, I had Ben.

I made my way to school and met a tanned Steph and Luke at the gates, who came running and pounced onto me.

"Nice to see you guys too" I hugged them back until Steph pushed Luke out of the way and grabbed my shoulders.

"So, you and Mr. Shields huh? You only told us about it on the phone, but tonight, we want details." She grinned mischievously at me.

"Ah sorry, not tonight, I'm kind of going over to Be- Mr. Shields house." Steph went wide eyed, turned to Luke who was just grinning and looked back at me.

"You're ditching us for your boyfriend? I'm hurt!" She slammed her head on my shoulders, pretending to cry.

"I wouldn't do that! Jeez Steph, we'd already arranged it, I'm free tomorrow, come round then if you're so interested." I winked at them and we walked into school.

It felt so weird being back. Walking down the same corridor that Ben came running out of the door of 6 months ago when I caught him asleep. And now six months later, so much has happened it's kind of hard to think.

As I was caught in a day dream, I felt a nudge from Steph and looked up, Ben was walking down the corridor towards us and looked down at me as we walked past each other and smiled.

"Good morning Jennifer, Stephanie and Luke, I see you're all in your new uniforms, how does it feel to be top of the school?"

"Well I dunno man, how's it feel to be dating Jennifer?" Luke blurted out. I turned to him and punched him in the stomach, to which he curled up in pain. I turned to face Ben who was wide eyed.

"Jennifer, could I have a word in my classroom please? Stephanie, could you tell Miss-"

"Mrs. Harvey."

"Yes, Mrs. Harvey that Jennifer is with me and she'll be late to form?"

Steph walked off whilst sticking her thumb up. "Yes sir"

Once Steph and Luke had gone and the corridor was empty, Ben grabbed my hand and dragged me to his room. I could tell he was mad the way he was walking ten paces ahead of me. We arrived at his room and shut the door.

"Why have you told people?! Weren't we supposed to keep quiet about this?"

"It's only Steph and Luke, and besides they already had suspicions about us, so when they found out they weren't that bothered. And anyway, wouldn't you rather that they knew instead of speculating, which by the way, could end up in the entire school knowing?"

He removed his glasses and rubbed his eyes with one hand on his hip. "Yeah, I guess. But please, make sure they don't tell anyone else." He came closer and put his glasses back on. "I really love you, and I can't risk having to leave because we were caught. Do you understand?"

I nodded and was brought into a hug. "I really really love you Jennifer. I really do." Once he had said that, I leant down and pulled me in for a kiss.

"I love you too, but remember what we just talked about? We've got to be careful Ben. No contact at school, yes?"

He stuck his tongue out and sat down in his desk. "I promise, now go to form and I'll see you tonight. 6 o'clock right?"

"Of course, bye then, Mr. Shields." I winked and left.

Man, this was definitely going to be a great year.

I cheerily walked to my form room, but before colliding with someone and spiling their drink all over them.

"Oh god, I'm really sorry!" I rummaged through my bag and got out a pack of tissues I usually carried round. "Let me help you, erm-" this guy looked new, he had curly, bed head, black hair and vibrant blue eyes. He was fairly average height and looked like he was rather popular with the ladies.

"Oh, you don't know me? I thought he would have told you by now, Jennifer Green." He inquired as he grabbed the tissues from me.

"I'm sorry, I don't really know what you mean, care to explain?" I cut the bullshit politeness and stood up, facing this guy.

"My name's Connor Ford. Or if we're going to go by birth names, it would be Shields, Connor Shields. I hear you're very well acquainted, shall I say, with my brother?" he sneered.

"Your brother? Who's-"

"Don't mess around, you know who I mean, so don't play stupid, definitely not cute."

"Excuse me? I couldn't give a shit if it isn't cute. How do you know"

"I'd watch your tongue if I were you; and I'm his brother, of course I would know. Although, he doesn't know I'm here, so shh, let it be our little secret, 'kay sis? Oh and another thing, break up with him. He doesn't need pests like you licking his feet."

Now I was mad, I grabbed his collar and pulled him closer. "Who do you even think you are?! If anyone is a pest, it's you! Why are you here? And what the hell do you want with me?" I was shouting at this point, I needed to be quiet.

I removed my hold on his collar and stepped back, waiting for an answer.

"I want you to disappear. Don't you understand that someone like you doesn't deserve someone as great as my brother?" He chuckled.

"Fuck you! I hate-"

I was cut off by Ben.

"What's going on out here!" He exclaimed whilst walking towards us. I didn't know what Connor wanted, but he sure as hell didn't want Ben to see him as he had now walked away.

Ben looked at me "What happened? Why are you shouting so loud and who is he?" he looked over at Connor. "You, walking away! Get back here please."

And as he said that, Connor turned around and slowly walked back towards me and Ben. I noticed Ben stumble back and stutter "C-Con-"

"Hi, big brother, how long has it been? Did you miss me?"


15Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora