chapter three.

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"Yes, Sana-chan? You called?"

Mina played with her pen, waiting for Sana to said something between their call as she's on her college.

"Yeap and sorry, Mina-chan. I can't fetch you after college later." She hears Sana's low voice says.

"Oh.." Mina sounded. She hears Sana were humming softly, feeling guilty.

Mina clears her throat softly, "it's okay, Sana-chan. I'll go home by myself later, okay?"

"Are you sure?"

"Mhm. Class is starting now," she changes the topic, dropping her pen down feeling upsets.

"I'll text you when I got home." Mina quickly adds.

"Alright. Be careful okay, Mina─"

Before Sana could continues, Mina ends the call. She then sigh and looked down at her book. Bus seems like isn't a great choice to choose, she thoughts.

She then shrugs away her thoughts. She stands up to go to her next class but one boy stops her. She looks up with a moody face.

"Hey.. Why's my baby looked so sad?"


"Minatozaki Sana?"

Sana looks up from her computer, to a person who's in front of her desk, "yes?" She answered softly.

"Boss wants to meet you." She added, pointing at the door in front her.

"Oh." Sana acts, as she quickly stand up with her documents in her hand and walks to Jimin's office room. She knocks on the door when she's in front it.

"Come in."

Sana slowly comes in, with an eye roll before looking at him, "good morning, Mr Park."

Sana lazily walks to his table. She sat in front him and slam the documents in front him. Jimin didn't flinch but stares at her being childish. Jimin keep his serious face as he takes Sana's documents and scans them.

"What's this?" Jimin says, frowning at how her works were all empty.

Sana roll her eyes and sigh sarcastically, "it's the damn work you give me, remember? Tsk, I know nothing about this yet, you already give me to do this all."

Jimin frowns even more of hearing Sana's words. She then leans on her chair as she starts the intense stares with Jimin. Seriously? He thinks. He took a deep breath,

"Then, why are you even try to work he─"

Without warning, Sana put a paper in front him, pushing it closer to him then she lean back to her chair, chewing the gum that she's been holding back.

"That is the name of Myoui Mina's college and our apartment adress. She doesn't have anyone to fetch her home after school later." Sana suddenly says, raising her eyebrows.

Jimin gulps, didn't even dare to move when he hears Mina's name. She really know how to bribe him doesn't she? Sana smirks seeing Jimin's nervous acting.

"Pick, between keep on letting me work here to know everything about her or fire me, and you won't get any single information about her." She calmly says, staring her nails with a satisfied smirk.

Jimin finally sigh, "fine. I'll let you work here. But, promised me what's you deal." Jimin says, taking the notes and put it on his bag.

"Alright. Will you fetch her after school?" Sana smirks as she stood up.

Jimin frowns, "it's obvious, doesn't it?"

Sana raised her eyebrows with a shrugs. She turns away to walk out frm his office but he called her again.

"Don't tell her anything, about this!" Jimin says, before she could twist the door knob.

Sana looks at him who's already staring her, "I won't, Mr Park. So, worth yourself to give a try to fetch her later."


"Hey, Mina. You need ride home?"

Mina drift her gaze to someone who's in her left. She shook her head with no reaction.

"It's okay, bam. I'm taking bus." She shortly answers.

"But, the bus also takes time to comes here, though. I can send you to your house, safely." Bambam says, with a smirks, teasing her

"Really?" Mina turns at him with a fake gasp. She sees him nodding fastly.

"In your dreams, dickhead."

With that she was being pulled by someone who just saved her from some other, pervert. She tries to take her wrist back.

"Let go! Who're you?"

Jimin turns around to look at her but still holding onto her wrist tightly. She notice that he's holding her harshly so, she groans softly.

"Who're you? Let me go, it's hurts." She softly says, trying to seduce him by a soft words as she knows it work on him everytime.

"I'll once you get inside." He gently push her to get into his car, leaving her shouting.

"Do you even need to shout?" Jimin massages his ear before take real look at her who's already staring him.

"I need to go home. Are you kidnapping me?" She frowns.

Jimin smiles. He miss that face so much right know. He know he make a wrong choice in work but at least he doesn't make a wrong choice on the girl he love the most.

He takes her hand and hold it tightly, "I'll send you home."

"What? Are you kidding? I don't even know you." She lies, trying to take her hand back but it's just making a worst decision.

He pull her by the hand he hold, making her leans closer to him. See? I can see that blush from yours to me, he smirks.

"I didn't do anything, love." He whispers, caressing the hand he hold gently.

Mina were trying her best to hold herself back as their lips are just inch away. Mina nervously push him away.

"I-I need to go home, s-sir." She finally gets to say something.

He tilt his head to her side, "sir? How many times should I tell that in your boyfriend?"

"Myoui Mina." He added, sending a thousands shivers to her inside her body.

Yet, he still remembers how to make her goes crazy just by hearing him say her name.

"Y-You know what? I-I'm taking bus." She stutter, taking her hand back ad the try to make her way to open the door but just being pulled back, and finally gets the peck from him on the lips is enough to make her quiet.

"Like I said, I'll send you home, love." he leans closer making her slowly backs up.

She notice that he's scanning her face for too much. He sometimes know how to make Mina wants him. Like, he knows everything about her 5 years ago.

"Just, drive now. Or, I'll go out." She pushed him away, with an eye roll before staring straight in front.

He smirks, "sure, baby."

a/n; sksksksk hello babies! his target is back with one update! ;-;

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