Behind True Friendship

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Life's journey is full of surprises. We get to know many people as we continue the path to reach our goals. We'll get to know each other and the feeling of love and care will develop. The mutual understanding will begin and that's the time that friendship will bloom as time goes by. Some of this people will help us reach for our goals, but some will leave us to continue their path of journey in life. Each of us has a story to tell but only few will understand our very own story. It's not hard to gain friends, what's hard is on how you will be a friend to other people.

I love to gain more friends but I really hate being a friend to someone who doesn't even care to consider me as a friend. Having many friends is not really an advantage, only few are chosen to be apart of our life. Most of the time, we'll meet someone who will understand us behind our imperfections and who will help us reach for our goals without asking for anything back. With friends, you'll learn to laugh out loud like no one's around. You'll stay up late at night texting with them to share the silly things you've done during the day and most probably, you'll share each other's secrets. It's not really about happiness when you're with your friends, but it's the feeling of being accepted for who you are. Pretending for what you are not is the worst thing to do and counting the good things you've done for them is not a good idea either. It's not always about giving, it's about sharing. It's not always about accepting, it's about appreciating. It's really hard to continue doing good things for them though you really know to yourself that sometimes, even a single thing is not appreciated. A simple tap on the back will make you feel that there's someone you could hold on to when you have problems. It seems that they don't care but behind their smiles, it makes you feel that somehow they really do. It's not a matter of time or distance, though you may think that behind their busy schedules, they have forgotten you. I miss the time I spent watching movies with my friends during weekends, going to beaches during summer and listening to a friends' confession of being in love. As I reminisced the past, I find myself longing for those times to happen again. The flashback of everything will make me smile even though I'm alone. Being alone sometimes makes me think that someday, somehow, there will be someone who will stay with me in my own journey.

I want a real friend who can hurt me but knows how to heal the pain, not some fake ones who pretends to be there listening but doesn't act at all. I want someone who will understand and accept me for who I am. I know that I don't have the right to demand for them to stay, because they also want to fulfill their dreams of being successful in life someday. Distance may be a hindrance to be with friends, but in my heart it's where they will stay. I will never forget someone who made my existence in this world worthwhile. If not because of them, I will never understand the way life's happen. Truth may hurt us but accepting things is much better than letting the feeling of pain conquer our happiness. As of now, it may not be for real; I still hope that someday we'll be together again. The bond of friendship will continue to bloom because behind true friendship, no one forgets, it's just the situations that make things complicated. Love yourself first and you'll know how to love others. True friends will just be there along the way; waiting for us to meet again someday and we'll continue to make the foundation of our friendship stronger even more.

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