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She reached out to people whom she wanted to talk but it was quite blurry in her mind why things happened differently. People will make time to whom they want to make time; they will reply to whom they want to talk to; they will sacrifice their time for those who they think are deserving. But unfortunately, what's happening to her is the opposite. Nobody makes time for her, nobody has ever sacrificed for her. When her world was turning upside down, all she ever had was her self. She realized that she can't really depend on anyone and that's when she learned on how to cover up a smile when deep down inside all she wanted to do was break down and cry. Emptiness and chaos lingers inside her; the pain, the loneliness, the unwanted feelings. She may stumble and fall many times but she will definitely make sure to get up and see things differently. She will stop chasing and she will make sure to build her walls higher and much stronger. She won't seek for attention, she will distance her self from negativity and she will only trust those people who she thinks are worthy for it.

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