The Night of the Vampires

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The wind was biting cold, howling a storm like none other. Alistair wasn't aware of where he was, the area around him was blanketed in white with more snow falling - he wasn't going to be able to see much any time soon. The likelihood of being caught in a blizzard without remembering who one got there would certainly be a tale to tell if one lived long enough. 

A weight pulled on his right arm, causing him to glance down in surprise. A small girl, no older than five stood clinging to the fabric of his damp sleeve. Compared to the young girl with big scared eyes and warm yet wet winter's clothing, Alistair wasn't wearing anything other than glorified gloves and a thin coat. The man noted that not only could he not remember how he got into this position, but a headache that reminded him of the time he'd been knocked out after a hearty punch on a night out a few years back. Waking up after that caused him a similar amount of pain to what he was feeling now, with a small ringing in his head and swaying vision - though that could have been the start of hypothermia. 

The young girl pushed closer into him, her brown eyes almost took his breath away but something else sparked a jolt of confusion in the man who was about to fall onto his knees as is. The girl was actually very similar in height to him - confusing as the 6"2' man was by no means the height of a five-year-old. There were several things that Alistair would like to consider about the moment, but moving out of the blizzard and finding the kid's caretakers were taking priority. With a soft inhale, Alistair went to test his voice but was cut off by a hacking cough that did send the man onto all fours as he choked on his dry throat. The coughing fit didn't let up until the girl started vigorously rubbing his back to ease the pain, taking in much-needed gasps of freezing air Alistair quickly realized his mistake as he let out another strangled cough before forcing his breathing to be normal. 

With a quick glance at the girl behind him who merely took his hand in return of his weak smile, she cuddled into him which confused the man. Were young girls supposed to be so trusting even in this situation? He could have assumed the girl's parents hadn't given a rats ass to teach her about stranger danger but with the inability to speak and his head swimming, Alistair wasn't in a schooling mood. 

Suddenly, the girl pushed into him to the point his balance gave and sent him onto his side. A small oof of surprise pushed past his raw throat and caused him more pain. Suddenly, the girls shaking seemed to increase not only due to the cold it seemed. Her eyes were locked on a grey mass that seemed to be getting closer. After a few seconds, a man was visible in wearing much more suitable clothing than either of them.

"Are you lost? Little girls?" The man's voice screamed pedophile to the point that Alistair pushed himself up onto his feet making his head swim further. 

"That is..." The man trailed off, his eyes widening at the two, "Can I suck your blood?"

What the- Alistair was cut from his thoughts as the man grabbed him by the collar the gap between them closed in the blink of an eye.

With a harsh push, the girl was out of harm's way but Alistair was still in the impossibly tall man's clutches. The man's breath was suddenly on Alistair's neck, his scent was tainted by the smells of death and metal that the man could assume was blood. An actual psycho that thought he was a vampire. Points pressed against Alistair's exposed neck as he choked on the noise of resistance. Something wet painted the man's vision before his body was left to waver on his own shaking knees. Red flashed before his vision before he noted that it was the 'vampires' blood that had covered him. There was another person here, no older than a teenager. Similar brown hair to the young girl but eyes so sincere that they couldn't have belonged to a teenager. 

"You're a disgrace to all vampires," The teen stated before the body dropped.

Seeing as they were all coated in blood with a teenager just punting a man through the head with his hand... Alistair was really considering calling it a night and letting the elements take him. That was until the young girl grabbed onto his arm again. With equally severe eyes, Alistair looked up at the teen who had just saved them as he could pose a very good threat himself.

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