Bakugou nsfw alphabet

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A- (After care) Also he is rough in bed he does care for you and will hold you close if need be.

B- (Body) He loves your breast and how they bounce when he fucks you, as for him he likes his hands and how they can grip your hands so nicely.

C- (Cum basically) There is a reason you have the bar in your arm. This man will fuck you until you can't walk for days at a time. He loves to creampie you.

D- (Dom or Sub or Switch) He is a Dom all the time and won't let you be on top unless he says so.

E- (Experience) Very! You don't know how or why but he is.

F- (Favorite position) Butterfly legs wide open where he'll fuck you until you scream his name.

G- (Goofy) Nope he won't joke at all.


I- (Itamacy) Only when he's alone with you.

J- (Jack off) Nope he cums too often besides he has you instead.

K- (Hidden Kinks) Praise Kink, Daddy Kink, Wax Kink (idk why).

L- (Location) Anywhere and everywhere in hours or his dorm.

M- (What Motivates them) You wearing his boxers then use tease him because you won't take them off.

N- (No stop) He won't hurt you Too Badly.

O- (Oral) Loves giving it to you bitch he will make you cream in 2 minutes.

P- (Pace) He's fast and rough for a reason.

Q- (Quickies) loves them Especially before a mission.

R- (Risk) as above he doesn't care he wants you.

S- (Stamina) FAST AS FUCK BOI!!!

T- (Toys) You lost count by this point.

U- (Unfair) He will tease you ALL day .

V- (Volume) He's very quiet unless you're in your dorm doing it he's quiet.

W- (Wild Card) He has a tattoo on his left but saying 'Fuck off'.

X- (X-ray) 6 inches long 7 if hard and man is he thiccc.

Y- (yearning) He always wants you ALWAYS.

Z- (Zzzz) He won't sleep until you do.

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