Happy Birthday || Tom Felton

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It's September 21. Your best friend Tom and you have been watching movies cuddled up on the couch at his mum's home all day long. Tom and you are the same age and have been best friends since you wore diapers.

His busy schedule has allowed him to spend a couple of days with you. You two have eaten like five bowls of popcorn. It's late at night and both of you have fallen asleep leaning on each other during the last movie.

Suddenly, the remote control falls down to the floor and you both wake up gasping, and find yourselves wrapped in a blanket. You look at each other and smile because you know that his mum did it.

—It's too late and it's raining —Tom says looking at his watch—. I think you should stay here tonight.

—Like in the old times?

—Like in the old times —he winks. You smile.

—Ok, I'm gonna text my mum —you take your phone and text her.

—Ok, I'm gonna lend you a jersey. Come —he turns off the TV and leads you to his bedroom.

Tom lends you a very special jersey. That jersey he knows you like so much: his Slytherin Quidditch jersey. And what makes this jersey that special? The back. It doesn't say "Malfoy 7", it says "Felton 22".

Since Tom is taller than you, it fits you like a super short dress. He puts on his pajamas and makes room for you in his bed, so you slide underneath the blankets and both of you lay down face to face.

—Do you remember the first time we had a sleepover? —He tucks your hair behind your ear.

—Yes. It was here —you smile.

—How old were we? Seven?

—I think so. It was raining extremely hard and... the thunders scared us and... in spite of how scared you were, you sang a song to me to calm me down, remember? —He nods and smiles—. I've always loved your songs, you know? You're a great musician. Every single song you write is beautiful —you caress his beautiful face.

Tom gets closer to you and kisses the tip of your nose, making you smile.

—Best friends forever? —He asks.

—Best friends forever —you kiss the tip of his nose. He smiles—. Sweet dreams, Tommy.

—Sweet dreams, (Y/N/N).

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The next morning, you wake up and notice that you're cuddled up on his chest, wrapped in his strong and muscular arms. It feels so good. You're in love with him, but you're afraid that he doesn't feel the same about you.

Wait, it's September 22! A beautiful smile blooms across your face. Tom is turning 22 today. He is still sleeping like an angel, so you roll your body on top of his and straddle him, and place your hands on his chest.

Tom Felton/Draco Malfoy One Shots || Tom/Draco x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now