Heroes For Hire || Draco Malfoy

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Christmas time has come. There is a beautiful snowy landscape in London, and a handsome tall blond boy dressed in a fancy black tux and a long coat is walking through the park.

Suddenly, he hears a beautiful female voice singing Christmas carols. It belongs to an even more beautiful girl who is singing and playing the guitar, sitting on a bench in the middle of the park.

It's you.

The handsome blond boy stands in front of you and notices that your guitar case is open, and there are some coins and banknotes inside.

People seem to be very busy with the holiday shopping, but that boy is the only one who stopped by to listen to your song:

«Have yourself a merry little Christmas

Let your heart be light

From now on your troubles will be out of sight

Have yourself a merry little Christmas

Make the Yuletide gay

From now on your troubles will be miles away

Here we are as in olden days

Happy golden days of yore

Faithful friends who are dear to us

They gather near to us once more

Through the years we all will be together and

If the fates allow

Hang a shining star upon the highest bough

And have yourself a merry little Christmas now»

Your song makes him feel so emotional, so he gives you an enthusiastic ovation and places a banknote in your guitar case.

—Thank you so much, no one had stopped by to listen to my songs before —you say smiling.

—I don't understand why, you have a beautiful voice. —You blush—. I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy —he sits next to you and shakes your hand.

—It's nice to meet you, Draco. I'm (Y/N) (Y/L/N).

—Do you come here to sing Christmas carols every day?

—No, uhm... I... I do a different activity every day. You'll see, I volunteer at a soup kitchen every year on December. I'm in charge of serving food behind the counter at nights. On December 25, we serve a special Christmas dinner to the less fortunate, and I'm trying to raise funds by doing differrent activities in the mornings, such as singing Christmas carols.

—Wow! But you're so young.

—I know I' m only 16, but I think it's never too early to volunteer.

—I'm 16 too and I had never thought about it.

—Perhaps you would like to come. Some extra help is never wasted.

—I... —he gasps in pain and grabs his left forearm.

—Are you ok?

—Yes, I... I have to go, I'm sorry —he stands up and leaves quickly.

You have to go as well, so you pick up your guitar case, and notice that there is a large banknote there: One Hundred Pounds. Your jaw literally drops and you're internally screaming. You would like to know who the angel who did that is to thank them...

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