Memories || Draco Malfoy

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It was my Seventh Year at Hogwarts. I had turned 17 a few months ago. I still remembered the horrors of last year: the vanishing cabinet, Dumbledore falling off the Astronomy Tower after Snape... carried out the deed the Dark Lord had ordered me to perform.

I failed. I couldn't do it. I'm not a murderer. Snape accomplished the mission because of the Unbreakable Vow between my mother and him...

I was on the train, on my way to the school and the dark mark was still burning in my forearm. The Malfoy family had been discredited. Voldemort was using the Malfoy manor as headquarters and I had witnessed professor Charity Burbage murder. He killed her in front of all the Death Eaters.

We were reunited, sitting at the dining table. She begged Snape to help her, but Voldemort killed her into a blink.

I honestly don't know where I got the courage to return Hogwarts that year.

A beautiful girl was running through the train, checking cabinet by cabinet. Everybody turned to look at her because it's not common to see a beautiful girl wearing a beautiful short burgundy dress with high heeled sandals on the train.

 Everybody turned to look at her because it's not common to see a beautiful girl wearing a beautiful short burgundy dress with high heeled sandals on the train

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She was desperately looking for someone, and she just had found that someone. She was standing at my cabinet door with a beautiful smile lighting her face up. It was (Y/N) Delacour, my breathtakingly beautiful girlfriend. She is Fleur Delacour's young sister.

We had met three years ago at the Triwizard Tournament. The delegation from Beauxbatons arrived in a large carriage pulled by Abraxan horses. The carriages were blue and had intricate designs on the outer shell, such as the Beauxbatons coat of arms.

So I saw her. (Y/N) entered the Great Hall escorting Fleur. She was doing back flips down the aisle, wearing a beautiful colorful rhythmic gymnastics leotard.

 She was doing back flips down the aisle, wearing a beautiful colorful rhythmic gymnastics leotard

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She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. I was literally drooling and the other boys didn't stop whistling wolf whistles.

(Y/N) stared at me. Among all the boys, she stared at ME and smiled, and I smiled back at her. Her cheeks flushed and so did mine. We stared at each other, we liked each other -I sigh-. It was love at first sight...

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