- Chapter 4

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Serena touched the cold, rocky walls of the underground cave that was hidden underneath the blown-up library. She shrugged. It was warm here and there where torches hanging on the wall to light up the path. She hated to admit but yes. The blondine was scared. She stepped closer to Ash. The girl felt safe when he was around her. Everytime they touched hands she blushed.

"Serena there is some weird kind of statue here." Ash said softly.

Serena stepped forwards and she looked at the three them.  An X, an Y and a Z carved into old stone plated. Z? What was the Z for... Serena thought. Behind them footsteps where coming.

"What are you two youngsters... ah..." The tall men stopped talking and knelled down before Serena.

He had a beard, also looking a bit like a hobo. Behind him was a Flabebe. Serena stepped backwards and Ash stood protective in front of her.

"Don't you two worry. I am AZ... And you must be Yvonne... Am I right?"

Ash and Serena looked shocked at each other.

"N...No sir AZ. My name is Serena and-"

"But you are Yvonne. Your the one who's going to safe Yveltal." Az simply explained.

Ash cocked his head. "How did you know?"

Az smiled and pushed Serena softly to the Y statue. He stood in front of the Z statue. Ash wanted to take Serena back but Pikachu, Fennekin and Flabebe stopped him. They both where in some kind of trance. Ash waited for a couple of minutes until they both snapped back to reality.  The two statue's started to glow. Y turned red and Z turned green. Serena stepped back to Ash and he grabbed her arm softly, trying not to hurt her. The ground started to shake. A door appeared and opened itself. The man turned around and looked at the two kids.

"The rest is up too you youngsters. Yvonne, I mean Serena, goodluck. We'll meet again for sure. Honored to meet you." Az smiled and walked back to the entrance together with his Flabebe.

"That sure was a odd guy," Ash said when Az was gone. ", how did he know? And who is Z?"

Serena lifted her shoulders and looked towards the door. Ash walked in front of her. He grabbed her hand softly and smiled warmly.

"Lets go ahead," he squeezed her hand. ", the answer is right there."

They slowly moved ahead, Ash in the lead with Serena following his steps.  Red, blue and green eyes where seen in the darkness. The light got stronger. The walls started to tremble. Serena scooped closer to Ash in fear. The room lighted up. All eyes disapeared and where replaced with plates. A fairy plate, darkness plate and rock plate. The raven haired boy and the blondine looked at each other for a moment, than they ran to the darkness plate without hesitation.

"To wake up X, Y or Z you'll need the three chosen ones. Their activity only will unleash some sort of energy... The proph... Geose... if... fou... wor... end..." Serena read out load.

"The plate is too damaged to read any further..." Serena sighed.

Ash was thinking. "Geose...Geosengetown!" He grabbed Serena's arm and pulled her close to him. "We gotta go there and fast!"

Serena smiled and held her Fennekin closer. "How do we get there fast?"

Ash's happy face faded a bit. He hadn't thought about that yet. He scatched his head uneasily. Serena felt bad for ruining his happiness. A voice was humming even deeper in the cave. It sounded familiar yet odd.

"Take this route miss Y." It wad AZ, calling from the darkness.

The two youngsters followed his voice. They walked for half an hour, maybe even longer! It was freezing,  Serena was still wearing Ash's jacket. Once in a while, she smelled it. Not to be a creep, but because his scent comforted her. She tried her best not to show how terrified she was. She showed how brave she was before, she could do that again!

"We're here. Climb up and you'll be near the secret base in Geosengetown." AZ mumbled as he stepped out of the darkness.

He grinned and petted Ash's head.

"Protect her." The tall man whispered.

Ash looked up at him. "I surely will." He grinned and balted his fist eagerly.

Az threw out a pokéball. A pokémon in the forme of a Z appeared! That must be Zygarde! Serena and Ash glanced at each other. AZ jumped on the legends back.

"Au revoir, Y and Ash."

In only a matter of seconds Zygarde created a hole in the ground and digged its way out with AZ holding the legend close. It dissapeared. Serena turned around and looked up. Large, wooden stairs where up against the wall. Covered with green and moss. Ash climbed up first and opened a door. It was made out of wood. Sunlight! Serena followed him up.

"Were finally back up!" Ash shouted eagerly.

Serena closed the door and stood up. They landed in a forest. Large rocks where here and there. She held her hand on her chest and looked up. The sun was drowning.

"The sky is so pretty here." Serena smiled with shining eyes.

Ash looked at her. "Yes... Beautiful..."

He grabbed her hand and took her to a clearing nearby. They put on the camp quickly. Ash went out to get some wood for a fire. Serena sat down near a puddle of water. Fennekin, Pancham and Spritzee where sleeping next to each other. Serena sniffed and smiled. Spritzee's smell was so good. She chuckled and stared in the puddle. Her reflection started to frown. If Yveltal didn't wake up soon, it could mean the end of the world. She could never see her friends again, never could see Ash again... The girl hugged her knees tight. She had to tell Ash how she felt about him... She scraped her throat and stood up. The moonlight reflected her eyes.

"Serena I'm back!" Ash yelled.

He ran out of the bushes and threw out the wood, commanding Fletchinder to use ember on the logs. Serena smiled and ran up to them.

"Hey Ash..." She said softly.

Ash looked up. "Whats wrong Serena?"

"I," she was quiet and hugged him tight. ", I just wanted to thank you for being here for me."

The raven haired boy smiled and hugged her tightly back. "Hey no problem! Anything for my friends right?"

Friend. That word stinged a lot. She sighed and broke the hug. "Yea," She faked a small smile ", friends do that."
A/N :
Thanks for reading! Next update might take long because stuff is happening here. Plus ORAS will be released this week! * Europe its release dated take longer :c * I'll be playing that instead of writing or doing useful stuff :D I hope you enjoyed reading ^^

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