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Time: 15:00 Date:23rd August Year: 2552

Location: New Alexandria, Eposz, Planet Reach.

We used to be a full squad of ODST's, there were fourteen of us when I first joined, but then it happened, the mission where it all went wrong, when I truly found out the meaning of dropping feet first into hell. We were sent on a mission to fight off covenant forces on Harvest. We didn't really know what the covenant was back then we were trained to fight insurrectionists not covenant. We were given a quick briefing about what the UNSC had learnt about them so far; weapons, ranks, vehicles. Nothing to fancy or particularly detailed, after all we hadn't much time and Harvest was under attack. It had been for 5 long years and now it was time to take it back. We grabbed our gear and got to our pods a heavy price had already been paid to even be able to be in a position to drop so we weren't going to miss our chance.

Our job was to drop behind enemy lines and cause untold mayhem whilst fire team's whisky and tango attacked from the front. We would be landing in the reamians of what used to be one of it's main cities It was meant to be a simple manoeuvre that would wipe out the majority of their ground forces in a single firefight. It was a classic ODST form of attack and should have worked perfectly, except someone fucked up.

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