Plant Charges Stand Back

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Time: 5:44 Date: 16th May Year: 2530

Location: Planet Harvest

I awoke to a cold damp morning, dew had settled on the ground and frost had formed on the tips of some of the rocks. The fog had cleared and the sun wasn't even up yet. "Alright troops, up and at it!" Cap said. Some of my squad groaned as they awoke from their slumber.

"Come on you sleepy fuckers dream time is over, we still have a job to do."

"Encouraging words Rod." I heard Doyle say.

"I like to keep it short." He grunted. I stretched and moaned as I felt my muscles ache as I moved them.

"Sleep well I take it?" I heard Tech ask from behind me.

"I've slept better." I replied.

"Alright enough chit chat, squad on me." Cap said. We grabbed our gear and rallied on him. "Alright. Here's the plan." He pulled out his knife and started to map out the area on the ground. "Max and Doyle you'll be providing overwatch from here, it's well covered and has a good view of their camp. Rod and Tech you two will plant the charges on the AA gun, whilst me CQ and Rookie hijack a phantom. Any questions?" I saw Rod raise his hand.

"After you three are aboard what happens to the rest of us?"

"Max and Doyle will keep you and Tech covered as you move to us they then they will start to make their way to us as we support them if needed. We then take off and detonate the charges just as we're in the air." He paused for a moment to let everybody take it in and ask any more questions if needed. "Alright let's move out."

We split up I followed CQ and Cap to the drop-ship as Tech and Rod went for the AA.

"You're overwatch is in position, over." I heard Doyle say over the comms.

"Copy that, approaching the phantom from the south."

"I have you in my sights." He replied. We moved cautiously towards the phantom ducking and crouching behind any cover we could find, to avoid being seen.

"Doyle this is Rod. We have an elite in the way and it doesn't look like he'll be moving anytime soon."

"I hear you Rod. You see those supply crates five metres to your left."

"I see them."

"When I take him out make a dash for those crates."

"Copy that."

"On my mark, three, two, one." I heard the puff of the silenced sniper shot over Doyle's comms. We were also confronted with our own problem, two elites right in our way but Doyle couldn't take one out without the other noticing.

"Don't worry Doyle we can handle this." Cap said.

"Watch and learn Rookie." CQ said to me. She and Cap slowly removed their knives from their sheaths, if I had blinked I would have missed it. Cap and CQ took down both elites like they had rehearsed it a thousand times. In a flash both elites were lying on the ground dead. We dragged the bodies out of sight and proceeded to the phantom. We jumped aboard and took out the crew of an elite two jackals and three or four grunts.

"We have control of the phantom waiting on your go Corporal."

"Charges set sir, we're on our way to you now." Just over a minute later they were on the back ramp of the phantom.

"Okay Doyle, it's time for you and Max to come to us. We'll keep you covered."

"On our way to you now sir."

"Okay Rookie you're up. I need you in the pilot's seat now."

"Yes sir." I replied. I made my way to the cockpit and sat down at the controls.

"You sure you know what you're doing?" I heard Rod say. I ignored him and started up the engines.

"Ready when you are sir!" I called back to Cap.

"Good. Doyle, Max what's your ETA?"

"Less than thirty seconds." Doyle replied. Then suddenly we heard an elite let out a deafening roar.

"They must have found the bodies! Doyle, Max we're out of time! Move now!"Cap shouted. "Rookie open up the rear doors again! We need to give them some cover!" I pressed a few buttons and I heard the doors begin to open. Max and Doyle were sprinting flat out but it wasn't fast enough. Max had a needle shot straight into his left calf, he cried out in pain but was cut short as a running elite sliced straight through him. Doyle turned around just in time to see the blade slice through his side. I heard the others giving support fire. "Doyle hang in there!" I heard Cap shout.

"Don't you fucking dare stay a second longer!" Doyle responded. "Rookie, get them the fuck out if here." Those were his last words to me. I started the engines and began take off. The rear doors began to close and I heard the firing stop. CQ turned around. "Fucking Coven.." She never finished as a stray needle shot right through the closing doors and into the back of her heard.

"No!" Cap screamed. "Not you too! Not you too!" He knelt beside her, threw off his helmet and held her limp body in his arms. He was crying out in sorrow to the point he was almost screaming and he had tears streaming down his cheeks. Rod and Tech just stood there in silence. After more than five minutes of silence I spoke.

"Tech I need you on the radio to contact Everest, to make sure we aren't shot out of the sky."

"But I don't have my radio."

"Does it look something like this?"

I kicked his radio across the floor towards him.

"Thanks." he replied.

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