Helljumper Where you been?

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Time: 15:47 Date: 23rd August Year:2552

Location: New Alexandria, Eposz, planet Reach

We had guns emplaced, ammo had been handed out and all the defenses had been set in up. All there was to do now was to wait. One of their medics had fixed up my foot and had managed to stop the bleeding from where one of the bastard drones had caught me earlier. Tech was over by his radio tuning into any UNSC channels trying to find out what's going on. It crackled with incomplete messages caused by covenant jammers that had been set up. "Piece of shit!" Tech said slamming his hand down on his radio.

"Careful you could break it." I said with a slight laugh.

"Break it? I think that is pretty much impossible considering where it's been. This baby has been with me since before our first fight on Harvest, I don't know what it is but I don't think it'll ever break." He replied smiling back at me. A loud crackle from the radio broke the silence between us.

"Com...coven...spartan... someone..ple..spond." It played through twice and I carefully listened trying to make out what was being said.

"Try clearing that up." I said to Tech.

"Why bother? It's probably some desperate soul calling out for help." He replied.

"Just do it." I said glaring at him.

"Okay okay." He turned the dials on the radio and the signal began to clear up.

"Command, covenant took the beach and we lost the AA's we could use that spartan we've been hearing about. Someone please respond." The operator kept repeating himself hoping to get through. Tech picked up the mike and spoke into it.

"This is lieutenant Fraser of the 105th I hear you. Your signal is a bit weak but I can probably patch you through to command."

"Name's Samuel my rank is corporal, we lost the beach head and half our squad with it sir." The operator replied.

"Understood, now what's this spartan you keep talking about?" Tech asked.

"I've been intercepting radio communications all afternoon sir and it appears there is a spartan aiding civilians on their way through the city. I figured since we lost those AA's a spartan would sure come in handy right about now."

"Copy that, over." Tech had the beginnings of a smile on his face just as major Jared walked over and snatched the mike off him.

"This is major Jared, now son you listen to me. I don't care if you have a god damn spartan or not I want those AA batteries back online!"

"Sir we are down to five men up against over a hundred covenant infantry we don't stand a chance." The operator began to sound panicked and frightened.

"Those civillians don't stand a chance if that corvette isn't taken out, so fire the fucking batteries!" The operator seemed to go silent and didn't speak for a moment or two. Meanwhile Tech walked up to the major and took his microphone off him.

"Hey Sammuel it's Fraser again." He said in a kind tone of voice which he very rarely used. "Sorry about major Jared but I guess some marines just have to be assholes." Jared shot Tech a cold piercing glare but Tech didn't even flinch. "I can patch you through to command but I can't gurantee the signal strength."

"Copy that, and thanks." The operator replied. Tech turned some dials and pressed some buttons on the radio.The signalwas put through to command. He then gazed over towards the beach head.

"If those AA guns aren't on soon that corvette will destroy any chance these civilians have of getting out of here." We both looked out towards the beach hoping for a miracle but our silence was interrupted by a large plasma explosion at the entrance to the landing bay.

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