Into the Fire

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Time: 15:07 Date: 23rd August Year: 2552

Location: New Alexandria, Eposz, planet Reach.

It's been twelve years now, twelve years since that mission on Harvest, twelve years since we lost ten ODST's on one mission; twelve fucking years since my captain blew his brains out right in front of me. We're a three man squad now, no new ODST's since then. Rod was promoted to First Lieutenant, he was offered the rank of captain but he turned it down for obvious reasons. Tech was promoted to Second Lieutenant and me to corporal, we all have been offered to be promoted to higher ranks but none of us want to. In their eyes as well as mine. Our squad only ever had on captain and that's the way it should stay.

The falcon's engines roared either side of me Rod was sitting opposite me and Tech was manning one of the guns. We thought we had won on Harvest but we were wrong, the Covenant began to glass the planet till there was nothing left. Every year they edged closer to finding earth till they got to Reach. We've been all over the place these past twelve years; from Harvest then to Arcadia,  Meridian then to Algolis. Now to Reach, we can't let these bastards take reach. We have to make a stand, we can't let them gain another foothold in this war. Yesterday their main supercarrier was destroyed, I heard some spartans took it down, I have no fucking clue how they managed it but it was impressive. Our victory was short lived when three assault carriers and several battle cruisers turned up, from then on it's been hell. "Thirty seconds!" The Pilot yelled.

"Copy that." Rod replied. Our mission now was just to get civilians to the transports and make sure they get the hell off of this planet. We checked our weapons and got ready. The falcon touched down and we jumped out. "Keep your eyes peeled." Rod told us. We scoped around cautiously till we were certain there was no covenant nearby.

"Where do we go from here?" Tech asked.

"We need to rally with a squad of marines who were in the process of getting civilians out when they got pinned down."

"When did we get that message?" I asked.

"About five minutes ago with any luck they may still be alive."Rod said. "They're about half a click east of our position, so lets get moving."

"Copy that." Me and Tech said. We made our way through the fiery skyscrapers and crumbling buildings, looking high and low for any danger or threats.

"Over there." Rod pointed towards an automatic door part, it had been chared with plasma rounds and explosions. We walked through Rod at the front and me at the rear watching our backs.

"Fuck." I heard Tech says as he entered. I shortly followed and saw what he had seen. several dead marines, civilians and grunts. Rod walked over to one of the marine's dead bodies and knelt down beside it. He placed his gun on the ground and took a look at his dog tags.

"This ain't them this is a different squad." He said. "Come on we need to keep moving." He lifted up his assault rifle and continued walking, taking the dog tags with him. We turned the corner and stood in front of another door. "Hold up and take it slow." We crept towards the door it opened and five grunts two skirmishers and four jackals looked up in surprise. We imediately opened fire, I shot at the grunts whilst. Rod took out the jackals with a few grenades. the skirmishers jumped all over the place but Tech quickly saw to them before they could get moving. it was over in under fifteen seconds.

We picked up some plasma grenades and reloaded our weapons before moving on. "We've already lost enough time as it is. Let's move troopers, double time." We broke into a sprint, I began to hear  fire from UNSC and Covenant weaponary. We moved through the building with all haste. We turned round a corner to an outdoor courtyard and saw serveral frightened civilians and three marines.

"Glad you've arrived troopers and not a moment to soon!" Their commanding officer shouted. Rod ran over to him ducking behind cover as he went.

"What's the situation here?" He asked.

"About five brutes, two leaders, a lot of jackals and a shit load of grunts."

"Why didn't you try and make a break for left door giving supressing fire to get the civillians out?"

"Can't they have jackal snipers covering any exit point." He replied.

"How many Rod asked.

"Can't tell, could be one could be dozens we don't know. All I know is that they are over on that building but we can't get a clear shot."

"Tech call in falcon support on that building to the east."

"You got it." Tech got out his radio and started to call in the falcon. "Big Bird this is Hotel Indigo we request air support, building coordinates 04658, 43249, 72011."

"Hotel Indigo this is Big Bird, copy that we are on our way, ETA 30 seconds."

"Sir!" Rod turned to face Tech. "ETA 30 seconds!" Rod nodded in acknowledgement.

Rod turned back to the gunnery sergeant. "When that falcon comes in I need your men to take out the grunts and jackals, leave the brutes to us."

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