Chapter 9 Shattering

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I had come home to pick up extra shoes for dance class when I realized the light was on. That's weird nobody is supposed to be home. I heard rustling coming from one of the rooms. It was coming from the bathroom. I crept towards the bathroom, suddenly fearing an intruder. The door flew open. My eyes were met with a random girl propped up on the bathroom counter and between her legs was Tony, his back facing me.


both of the bodies stopped cold

Tony continued to face the wall

-What the hell is this?

the girl had already bolted out of the bathroom

-I can explain he said weakly

-Explain what??!! that you were just fucking some girl

I suddenly recognized the girl, it was some bitch from Instagram. Tony was always liking her pictures even the ones that showed her bare ass.I'm not the jealous type so I figured I also have probably liked a hot guy's picture before. But this was low, even for him.

-it's not like that, I swear

-I can't believe I trusted you!-my voice suddenly breaking

-Everyone warned me about you, I can't believe how fucking stupid I was, I choose you, I choose to believe and this is how you pay me back -my voice was now at a high scream pitch but I couldn't control myself.

-Why!?! How could you do this-I could feel a panic attack coming

Tony remained silent

-I loved you, I gave you everything

-You choose it over some Instagram slut

-Y/N let me explain-Tony grabbed my wrist with force

-Don't touch me-my words cold as ice, yanking my wrist away


and he did, he walked out of the apartment leaving me to hyperventilate in the kitchen floor.

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